[antlr-interest] lexical nondeterminism between IDENT & LABEL
Monty Zukowski
monty at codetransform.com
Wed Nov 3 12:17:30 PST 2004
On Nov 3, 2004, at 9:49 AM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
>>>>>> "thoth2487" == thoth2487 <thoth2487 at libero.it> writes:
> [...]
>> Hi to all, I've a very simple language in which there are IDENTifiers
>> and
>> jump LABELs. An IDENTifier start with ('a'...'z')|('A'..'Z') and
>> continue
>> with ('a'...'z')|('A'..'Z')|('0'..'9') and a LABEL is like an
>> IDENTifier
>> but ends with a ':'. When I try following .g I obtain always a lexical
>> nondeterminsim which I isn't to solve:
> Stop trying to do that in the lexer. Let the lexer return the ID for
> both
> and then have your parsing rules distinguish between ID ":" being a
> label
> or the ID is just an ID.
Some languages like AREV are made much simpler if the lexer can
distinguish labels from IDs, that was the whole inspiration for my
ParserFilter example on my website.
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