[antlr-interest] ANTLR for a compiler
Terence Parr
parrt at cs.usfca.edu
Thu Nov 4 13:23:09 PST 2004
Hi Bryan,
You want JBurg or something similar: a tree walker that is explicitly
designed to generate code. You can have ambiguous patterns with
associated costs so that x+1 can be matched either as add one or
increment. here is a lab from my grad course where we generate machine
code from an AST:
For example, I say:
JBurg descriptions looks like ANTLR tree grammars except that the
parentheses are in a different spot (prefix vs postfix notation):
reg : #(ADD r1:reg r2:reg) {...emit instruction(s)...}
and burg and friends use
reg : ADD(reg r1, reg r2) : 1 {...emit instruction(s)...}
where : 1 implies cost 1. Costs usually are just relative numbers but
can mean "how many instructions were required?"
ANTLR tree walkers are not designed specifically for instruction
selection; rather the opposite. :) Building actual compilers has never
been my focus (unless you count bytecode compilers, which are much
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