[antlr-interest] header sections (was: Re: ANTLR for Python)
lgc at mail1.jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Nov 17 17:06:26 PST 2004
The "header" section dates back to the earliest versions of PCCTS that
I worked with. There it was a place to put "C" includes, not for
actionable code. That model works for Java, C++, and C# as well.
For Marq's problem, I think that it would be better to have an
optional "init" section in addition to any header section(s). That
would fit other languages with module initialization code (if I
remember right, OCaml needs something like that). The big advantage
would be to keep the declaration semantics of the "header" separate
from the executable semantics of initialization.
--- In antlr-interest at yahoogroups.com, Ric Klaren <ric.klaren at g...> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 21:27:37 -0000, Marq Kole <marq.kole at p...> wrote:
> > > 2 lexers in one .g is not possible. Your idea will work I guess
> > although
> > > moving some stuff around might be prettier. Hmm might also need
> > some fixing
> > > in antlr.g.
> >
> > Moving things around in the .g files is going to be hard if you do
> > not want to break existing code. Maybe that is something to consider
> > when doing ANTLR 3.
> It is probably possible to move the headersections into the classDef
> rule that way there could be header sections for each
> lexer/parser/treeparser in a rule. I think it would be mostly
> backwards compatible. The normal header section (without name) should
> probably be treated in the old way and the rest on per
> lexer/parser/treeparser basis.
> Since noone ran into this before I guess it's just as good to mark it
> in the docs. Your workaround doesn't look bad. Although I could expect
> some minor problems if you also implemented the namespace options in
> python (erm do those exist in python?).
> It's definitely something that should be done right in antlr3.
> (they're not implemented yet there I think)
> Cheers,
> Ric
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