[antlr-interest] Re: java15.g: Can't parse only conditionalExpression

atripp54321 atripp at comcast.net
Tue Nov 23 08:52:22 PST 2004

--- In antlr-interest at yahoogroups.com, Jens Theeß <j.theess at t...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm developing a tool that parses a textual form of UML sequence 
> diagrams with some embedded java. The embedded java includes compound 
> statements and conditional expressions. Before integrating the java 
> parser (java15.g) into the sequence diagram parser, I tested the java 
> parser stand-alone on some input it will encounter in the sequence 
> diagram. The setup is as follows:
>          JavaLexer lexer = new JavaLexer(r);
>          lexer.setFilename(f);
>          JavaRecognizer parser = new JavaRecognizer(lexer);
>          parser.setFilename(f);
>          parser.conditionalExpression();     // or 
> parser.compoundStatement().
> The call to parser.compoundStatement() does fine with following input:
> {
>     testfiles.A a = new testfiles.A();
>     sdVariables.put("testfiles.A", "a", a);
> }
> However, a call to parser.conditionalExpression() fails on following
> 1 == 2
> or
> d.startsWith("ha")
> What am I missing? Isn't the input a valid conditional expression?
> Thanks,
> Jens

Yea, I've always had this problem too. The problem (I think)
is that whenever you try calling any parser method other
than the top-level one (compilationUnit), you run the risk of
the parser trying to check "lookahead" tokens that don't exist.

What I do to get around it is to have a function that first
appends ";;" before parsing an expression. The semicolons
stop the lookahead from failing, and they're not part of the
generated AST.

That might be a nice enhancement to ANTLR - make sure
that any parser method can be called (not sure if that's
possible though)


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