[antlr-interest] Re: Debugging
loic.lefevre at bnpparibas.com
loic.lefevre at bnpparibas.com
Mon Aug 8 02:12:53 PDT 2005
In fact, (sorry not to be precise) I have a SWING application with which
users can type their expressions
and I check the expression at each keystroke. So I need more precise
exceptions messages than "unexpected null".
My grammar is okay (I've used the expression part of the Java language) but
at runtime I've not enough informations.
What I would like is something like "expected '(' or ')' or '+' or '-'..."
or "expected <rule name>".
---------------------- Envoyé par Loic LEFEVRE/BPSS/FR/EUROPE/GROUP le
08/08/2005 11:12 ---------------------------
08/08/2005 09:44 Loic LEFEVRE
Assistant extérieur
tel : 44097
Pour : antlr-interest
cc :
Objet : Debugging
Hello all,
I wonder how to use the different class in the antlr.debug package.
Does anyone know what I can do with say DebuggingCharScanner or
In brief I need to return better error messages than the well known
"unexpected null".
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