[antlr-interest] Changing Symbol
Sarayooth Chittratanawat
sarayooth at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 05:34:00 PDT 2005
Sorry about my previous message that not clear :(
I want to build the CSV parser. The delimiter, text qualifier and row
separator must be changable during runtime. Anyway, I was really new to
Antlr. I am sure how can I do that.
class CSVLexer extends Lexer;
options { k = 1; charVocabulary = '\1'..'\377'; }
WITHINQUOTE : ('"'(~'"')* '"')+ ;
WITHOUTQUOTE : ( ~( ',' | '\r' | '\n' | '"' ) ( ~( ',' | '\r' | '\n' ) )* );
EOL : ( '\n' | '\r' ) {newline();};
DELIM : ',' ;
After I use antlr.Tool to generate the parser, how can I change the ',' to
some thing else such as Tab delimit without to regenerate the parser by the
On 8/9/05, Prashant Deva <prashant.deva at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sarayooth,
> On 8/8/05, Sarayooth Chittratanawat <sarayooth at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to generate the CSV parser. Anyway, my CSV parser requires to be
> > changed the delimit, quote, and row sperator.
> You are not quite clear. Please state again what exactly do u want to do?
> >After I use the Antlr to
> > generate the code, I try to modify those charater with the parameter in
> the
> > code. However, I saw the BitSet. How can I deal with that. Is there
> anyway,
> > we do something like JLex that we used the skeleton for those parameter
> > (delimit, quote, row separator)
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
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