[antlr-interest] Re: AST generation

Tak-po Li takpoli at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 14 13:24:05 PST 2005

An example of module in Verilog looks as following:

Module (A, B, C);

I am using the following to generate the AST tree for the above:

	: (LPAREN^ name_of_port (COMMA! name_of_port)* RPAREN!)?
module  : "module"^ name_of_module  list_of_ports SEMI!

AST tree is generated correctly.  However, one of the node is "(" which is 
generated by LPAREN^ statement.  Could I change "(" to something else in AST 
generation that I would have less problem in AST tree walk later?

I am new to Antlr.  Could someone help?  Thanks.


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