[antlr-interest] Running Antlr V3.0 from netbeans

Matthew Ford matthew.ford at forward.com.au
Sat Jun 4 19:18:02 PDT 2005

To run Antlr V3.0 from netbeans
(assuming the netbeans project is called  list  and list.g is the antlr
grammar in the top source dir)

to build.xml add

    <target name="antlrGeneration" depends="init">
      <echo message="Generating Antlr files"/>
    <java classname="org.antlr.Tool"
        fork="yes" dir="${list.dir}"   <!-- need to change this line to suit
.g path from top of source ->>
        classpath="${javac.classpath}" >
        <arg line="list.g"/>  <!-- need to change this line to suit .g path
from top of source ->>

  <target name="-pre-compile" depends="antlrGeneration">

You will have already added the antlr jars to the project library jar so
they will be in the

still get
internal error: Exception
java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException at sun.nio.ch.FileLockImpl.release(Fil
eLockImpl.java:36): can't write stats to ... \antlrworks\grammar.stats
but fork="yes" means this does not stop the build.


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