[antlr-interest] ANTLRWorks 1.0ea4 available!

Jean Bovet antlr-list at arizona-software.ch
Sun Oct 23 14:47:29 PDT 2005


The grammar implementation is not yet completely done in ANTLRWorks  
and I have included a pre-version of ANTLR 3.0ea6 that may not be  
able to handle the tree completely: I would suggest to stick with  
grammar containing no tree for now. Another release will be available  
soon to fix that.

The emacs key-bindings are currently only implemented in Mac OS X  
because there is, as you saw, some conflict between the menu-shortcut  
in Linux/Windows and the emacs key-bindings. I will have to think  
about a workaround (change the menu short-cuts or deactivate them)...

Best regards,


Le 23 oct. 05 à 02:20, eric nelson a écrit :

> Thanks for your hard work on this Jean :)  I should mention though  
> that I have so far had some trouble using it.  I downloaded the  
> latest version today, and at startup a java.g grammar file loaded  
> automatically.  Is that java.g file valid?  Is it an ANTLR 3.0  
> grammar?  I don't know the difference to be honest (kinda new), but  
> I am getting an error when I try to generate code:
> "Cannot generate the grammar because:
> 000:000: syntax error:buildnfa:<AST>:0:0:unexpected end of  
> subtreebuildnfa" .. etc
> There are numerous red squiggly lines underneath the rule  
> references throughout the grammar file.  In this block:
> // Package statement: "package" followed by an identifier.
> packageDefinition
>  options {defaultErrorHandler = true;} // let ANTLR handle errors
>  : p:"package"^ {#p.setType(PACKAGE_DEF);} identifier SEMI!
>  ;
> "packageDefinition" is underlined with a red squiggly.  I noticed  
> that it has been labeled or referenced as simply "p" elsewhere,  
> including in the list of rules and tokens in the region to the left  
> (region 1).
> By the way, I am using Windows XP.
> Oh, and the emacs key bindings that were discussed in the  
> antlrworks.pdf don't work; however, the "ctrl + spacebar" does  
> bring up the autocompletion list, also "alt + F7" does list usages  
> correctly as far as I can tell ;)
> Any thoughts?  Anyone?
> Thanks,
>  - e
> On 10/22/05, Jean Bovet <antlr-list at arizona-software.ch> wrote:
> Hello!
> ANTLRWorks 1.0ea4 is now available. It has a lot of new features to  
> make your life easier when navigating in the grammar and also some  
> new refactoring tools (see the history at the bottom of the e-mail).
> http://www.antlr.org/works/index.html
> The ANTLRWorks jar has everything you need including ANTLR 3.0ea6.
> Feel free to send comments to the antlr-interest list or online at:
> http://www.antlr.org/misc/feedback
> Enjoy this new release!
> Jean Bovet
> 10/22/05 - version 1.0ea4
>   - find and replace
>   - ideas actions
>   - rule folding (experimental)
>   - duplicates rules are now underlined in blue
>   - undefined rules are now underlined in red
>   - rules can now be grouped and displayed in a tree view
>   - auto-indentation
>   - show decision DFA (using DOT tool defined in the preferences)
>   - replace literal with token label
>   - remove left recursion (one or all)
>   - insert rule from template
>   - new analysis column displaying the location and kind of
>     errors and warnings
>   - support Perforce SCM commands
>   - console moved from Window menu to project's window
>   - improved console with events list
>   - refactored the main menu bar
>   - remove collapse/expand actions (will reintroduce them later)
>   - improved drag and drop visual feedback (can now drop below
>     or above a rule)
>   - improved auto-completion (context sensitive)
>   - removed duplicate names in auto-completion
>   - current line is now highlighted
>   - display line and column number in bottom status bar
>   - HOME/END key move to beginning/end of line
>   - can now navigate backward/forward
>   - rules have now icon in the tree view
>   - go to rule now move the cursor to the beginning of the rule
>     instead of selecting it
>   - new toolbar
>   - prefs: auto-save every n minutes
>   - prefs: syntax coloring parser delay
>   - prefs: can now specify the colors of each type of token in
>     the debugger input text panel
>   - prefs: can specify rule folding (experimental yet)
>   - include a pre-version of ANTLR 3.0ea6
>   - fixed a bug where a new document created on Windows would not
>     be correctly colorized
>   - fixed several visual bugs on Windows and Linux

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