[antlr-interest] How can I generate output with ANTLR?

Luciana Nunes Leal lucianaleal2002 at yahoo.com.br
Thu Sep 1 12:06:51 PDT 2005

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
class LNCParser extends Parser;

options {
        k=10; // needed for newline junk

tokens {
	// -- LNC Keyword tokens --
        IF = "if";
        IF_NOT = "if not";
        ELSE = "else";
        FOR_EACH = "for each";
        FOR_ALL = "for all";
        WHEN = "when";
        AND = "and";
        OR = "or";
        EQUAL = "equal";
        NOT_EQUAL = "not equal to";
        EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN = "equal or greater than";
        GREATER_THAN          = "greater than";
        EQUAL_OR_LOWER_THAN   = "equal or lower than";
        LOWER_THAN            = "lower than";
        IS = "is";
        ARE = "are";
        TO = "to";
        NOT = "not";
        THAN = "than";

if_not : IF NOT;

equal : EQUAL TO ;

not_equal : NOT EQUAL TO;

equal_or_greater_than : EQUAL OR GREATER THAN;

greater_than : GREATER THAN;

equal_or_lower_than : EQUAL OR LOWER THAN;

lower_than : LOWER THAN;

rule : (sentence DOT)+ NEWLINE;

sentence : ( (when {System.out.println("when");} COMMA statement ((COMMA | AND) statement)* )
          | (for_clause COMMA statement ((COMMA | AND) statement)*)
          | (if_clause COMMA statement ((COMMA | AND) statement)*)
          | (if_not_clause statement ((COMMA | AND) statement)*)

when : WHEN condicao 

condicao : alpha_numeric verb ( (equal | not_equal | equal_or_greater_than | greater_than | equal_or_lower_than | lower_than) {System.out.println("==");} ) alpha_numeric

verb : IS | ARE

alpha_numeric : CHARACTER (DIGIT | CHARACTER)*

for_clause: (FOR_EACH | FOR_ALL) collection

collection: alpha_numeric

if_clause: IF condicao

if_not_clause: ELSE

statement: alpha_numeric

class LNCLexer extends Lexer;

options {
        k=10; // needed for newline junk
        charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\u007F'; // allow ascii

CHARACTER             : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+;
COMMA                 : ',';
DOT                   : ".";
DIGIT                 : ('0'..'9');
WS                    : ( ' ' | '\t')
                        {$setType(Token.SKIP);} ;
NEWLINE               : ("\r\n") | ("\n") | ("\r") 

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