[antlr-interest] Could anyone give an example fo making a linked list using antlr?

Bryan Ewbank ewbank at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 08:11:45 PST 2006

I'm guessing here that what you mean is a single node with all the
"exp" nodes under it, rather than a tree of COMMA nodes, each with two

> Could anyone give an example for making a linked list using antlr?
> My grammar is
>	explist: exp (COMMA^<AST=ExpList> exp)* ;

This will, as you probably know, produce a left-to-right tree.

To produce a single-level tree, use this instead:

	explist: exp (COMMA! exp)* { ## = #( #[EXPLIST], ## ); }

To produce a right-to-left tree (for exponentiation, e.g.):

	explist : exp ( POWER^ explist )? ;

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