[antlr-interest] Request for strongly signed antlr.runtime.dl

Mark Pollack Mark.Pollack at codestreet.com
Thu Jan 19 07:06:07 PST 2006


Before getting to the meat of the email I'd just like to thank you for
the great work on the C# code generator and ANTLR in general.  I'm one
of the leads for the open source project, Spring.NET,
(www.springframework.net).  Aleks Seovic has contributed to Spring.NET
ANTLR based functionality that supports object graph
navigation/evaluation along the lines of what you find in OGNL
(www.ognl.org).  We are planning to incorporate antlr.runtime.dll into
our next release which contains strongly signed assemblies.  As such we
need to have a strongly signed antlr.runtime.dll assembly.  Can you
provide downloads of such an assembly for version  


P.S. I'd be more than happy to help out.  The recipe I use with NAnt is
to copy the keys into the output directory and have a conditional
statement like this in AssemblyInfo.cs that get executed when making a
release build.

[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("Spring.Net.snk")]

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