[antlr-interest] v3: strange debugging message in new java.g grammar

Dieter Frej dieter_frej at gmx.net
Mon Jul 10 12:14:30 PDT 2006

Hi everybody,

since Terence wrote that the new Java grammar was not tested
exhaustively, I thought I could do that. So I wrote the following small
program and ran it (java JCKParsing.java 2>err.txt).

String file = 
try {
   CharStream cs = new ANTLRFileStream(file);
   JavaParserLexer lexer = new JavaParserLexer(cs);

   CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream();

   JavaParser parser = new JavaParser(tokens);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
   System.err.println("(ioe): |" + ioe.getMessage() + "|");
} catch (NoViableAltException nvae) {
   System.err.println("(nvae): |" + nvae.getMessage() + "|");
} catch (MismatchedTokenException mte) {
   System.err.println("(mte): |" + mte.getMessage() + "|");
} catch (RecognitionException re) {
   System.err.println("(re): |" + re.getMessage() + "|");

I got the following in my err.txt and I have no idea where this came
from because it does not look like an exception (they should all be

[compilationUnit, typeDeclaration, classOrInterfaceDeclaration, 
classDeclaration, normalClassDeclaration, classBody, 
classBodyDeclaration, memberDecl]: line
  20:18 decision=<<132:1: memberDecl : ( ( 
genericMethodOrConstructorDecl )=> genericMethodOrConstructorDecl | ( 
methodDeclaration )=> methodDeclaration | (
fieldDeclaration )=> fieldDeclaration | ( 'void' Identifier 
voidMethodDeclaratorRest )=> 'void' Identifier voidMethodDeclaratorRest 
| ( Identifier construct
orDeclaratorRest )=> Identifier constructorDeclaratorRest | ( 
interfaceDeclaration )=> interfaceDeclaration | classDeclaration );>> 
state 15 (decision=36) n
o viable alt; token=[@106,466:468='int',<59>,20:18]
[compilationUnit, typeDeclaration, classOrInterfaceDeclaration, 
classDeclaration, normalClassDeclaration, classBody, 
classBodyDeclaration, memberDecl, const
ructorDeclaratorRest, formalParameters]: line 20:53 mismatched token: 
[@119,501:508='strictfp',<54>,20:53]; expecting type ')'

Any comments on this?

- Didi

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