[antlr-interest] Guard condition into while and if statements

Herumor herumor at fastwebnet.it
Mon Jul 24 06:32:49 PDT 2006

Hello people,
after a week of vacation I got back to work on my project for uni.
Following some examples I created this piece of a grammar for ANTLR 3.
I dunno how to close this though when I define mulexpr and how to link
this with an identifier for example.
This piece of a grammar in fact (the 2nd) declares the precedence of
each operator compared to another but it doesn't say what comes before
the operator and what next.

Before the following piece of code I wrote this one (the 1st) on my own
which should allow us to create an expression to put into the round
brackets of a while statement or into an if one. This though didn't
consider the precedence which I considered instead in the second piece
of code.
I need to correlate the 2 things.
Thanks forward for help.

1st piece of code
parExpression : LRBRACK expression RRBRACK;

expression : fouropexpr;

fouropexpr : (Identifier | NumberString) ((PLUS | MINUS |MUL |DIV | MOD)
(Identifier | NumberString))* relexpr*;

relexpr : (EQUAL | NOT_EQUAL | GT | LT | GTE | LTE) fouropexpr lorexpr*;

lorexpr  : landexpr ( LOR landexpr)*;

landexpr: LAND relexpr;*

2nd piece of code
    :    conditionalExpression (assignmentOperator expression)?

conditionalExpression : conditionalAndExpression ( LOR
conditionalAndExpression )* ;

conditionalAndExpression : bitwiseor ( LAND bitwiseor )* ;
bitwiseor :  bitwisexor ( BOR bitwisexor)* ;
bitwisexor : bitwiseand (BXOR bitwiseand)* ;
bitwiseand : equalityexpr ( BAND equalityexpr )* ;
equalityexpr : relationalexpr ( (EQUAL | NOT_EQUAL) relationalexpr)* ;
relationalexpr : shiftexpr ((LTE | LT | GTE | GT) shiftexpr)* ;
shiftexpr : addexpr ((SR | BSR | SL) addexpr)* ;
addexpr: mulexpr ((PLUS | MINUS) mulexpr)* ;
mulexpr :

assignmentOperator : ASSIGN
               | BAND_ASSIGN
                   | BOR_ASSIGN
               | BXOR_ASSIGN
                   | SL_ASSIGN
                   | BSR_ASSIGN
                   | SR_ASSIGN       
                   | MOD_ASSIGN   
                   | MUL_ASSIGN   
                   | DIV_ASSIGN       
                   | MINUS_ASSIGN   
                   | PLUS_ASSIGN


QUESTION        :    '?'        ;
LRBRACK            :    '('        ;
RRBRACK            :    ')'        ;
LSBRACK            :    '['        ;
RSBRACK            :    ']'        ;
LCBRACK            :    '{'        ;
RCBRACK            :    '}'        ;
COLON            :    ':'        ;
COMMA            :    ','        ;
DOT             :    '.'        ;
LNOT            :    '!'        ;
INC                :    '++'    ;
DEC                :    '--'    ;
MOD                :    '%'        ;
SEMI            :    ';'        ;


DIV                :    '/'        ;
PLUS            :    '+'        ;
MINUS            :    '-'        ;
MUL             :    '*'        ;


LAND            :    '&&'    ;
LOR                :    '||'    ;


LTE                :    '<='    ;
LT                :    '<'        ;
GTE                :    '>='    ;
GT                :    '>'        ;

ASSIGN            :    '='        ;
BAND_ASSIGN        :    '&='    ;
BOR_ASSIGN        :    '|='    ;
BXOR_ASSIGN        :    '^='    ;
SL_ASSIGN        :    '<<='    ;
BSR_ASSIGN        :    '>>>='    ;
SR_ASSIGN        :    '>>='    ;
MOD_ASSIGN        :    '%='    ;
MUL_ASSIGN        :    '*='    ;
DIV_ASSIGN        :    '/='    ;
MINUS_ASSIGN    :    '-='    ;
PLUS_ASSIGN        :    '+='    ;


BXOR            :    '^'        ;
BOR                :    '|'        ;
BAND            :    '&'        ;
BNOT            :    '~'        ;


EQUAL            :    '=='    ;
NOT_EQUAL        :    '!='    ;

SR                :    '>>'    ;
BSR                :    '>>>'    ;
SL                :    '<<'    ;*/

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