[antlr-interest] Antlr V3 string template creation

Mark Venbrux mark.venbrux at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 04:29:54 PDT 2006

Antlr Works! ... is wonderful. Would you call this a Domain Specific
Language for creation ... domain specific languages?

Anyway, I created the grammar below as a finger-exercise, and it works. It
was trial and error to get the Stringtemplate screated. So now I wonder: is
this the way to do it, or can it be done in a more elegant, concise way?

grammar RpcIdlParser;

options {

rpcinterface : 'interface' name '{' (s+=struct)* (m+=method)* '}'
    -> rpcinterface(name={$name.text}, structs={toTemplates($s)},
struct: 'struct' name '{' (v+=variable)+ '}'
    -> struct(name={$name.text}, variables={toTemplates($v)})
variable: type name ';'
    -> variable(name={$name.text}, type={$type.text})
parameter: direction type name
    -> parameter(name={$name.text}, direction={$direction.text},
direction: ('in' | 'out' | 'inout')
method  : name '(' p+=parameter (',' p+=parameter)* ')' ';'
    -> method(name={$name.text}, parameters={toTemplates($p)})
type    : 'string' | 'int' | ID
name    : id=ID

ID    :    ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*
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