[antlr-interest] Antlr owns me. I'm going to kill myself!

Юшаков Дмитрий a_day at list.ru
Thu May 25 13:39:53 PDT 2006

Thx for answer.
> (1) Have you created, and used, a factory for the AST nodes?
I'm didn't use AST (buildAST=false;).
> I don't use an ANTLR lexer (I use flex), so can't help much beyond the basics...

> Can you trace into the destructor for CharScanner::literals?
CharScanner::literals is STL map
class(map<ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string,int,CharScannerLiteralsLess> literals;)
I'm think better try flex than debug 274K ANTLR source code.

                        mailto:a_day at list.ru

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