[antlr-interest] Implicit Parser Rule Return Types

Randall R Schulz rschulz at sonic.net
Tue Nov 21 10:52:32 PST 2006


I am seeing what appears to be inconsistent behavior in the return type
 for the methods corresponding to parser rules.

Specifically, I have these two rules:


  : '<=>'
  | '=>'
  | '<='
  | '<~>'
  | '~|'
  | '~&'

This rule generates the following code:

  // $ANTLR start binaryConnective
  // TSTP.g:518:1: binaryConnective : ('<=>'|'=>'|'<='|'<~>'|'~|'|'~&');
  public void binaryConnective() throws RecognitionException {
    try {
      // TSTP.g:524:2: ( ('<=>'|'=>'|'<='|'<~>'|'~|'|'~&'))
      // TSTP.g:524:4: ('<=>'|'=>'|'<='|'<~>'|'~|'|'~&')
      if ( (input.LA(1)>=45 && input.LA(1)<=50) ) {



  : LowerWord
  | SingleQuoted
  | UnsignedInteger

This generates:

  public static class name_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope {

  // $ANTLR start name
  // TSTP.g:1232:1: name : (LowerWord|SingleQuoted|UnsignedInteger);
  public name_return name() throws RecognitionException {
    name_return retval = new name_return();
    retval.start = input.LT(1);

    try {
      // TSTP.g:1233:2: ( (LowerWord|SingleQuoted|UnsignedInteger))
      // TSTP.g:1233:4: (LowerWord|SingleQuoted|UnsignedInteger)



So my question is this: Why does one rule return something when the
other does not even though both of them have terminals as their

In an attempt to make this rule more like the "name:" rule, I tried this
replacement for binaryConnective, but it did not help:

  : BinaryConnective

  : '<=>'
  | '=>'
  | '<='
  | '<~>'
  | '~|'
  | '~&'

  // $ANTLR start binaryConnective
  // TSTP.g:518:1: binaryConnective : BinaryConnective ;
  public void binaryConnective() throws RecognitionException {
    try {
      // TSTP.g:519:4: ( BinaryConnective )
      // TSTP.g:519:4: BinaryConnective

Randall Schulz

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