[antlr-interest] AST to Rewrite and StringTemplate Example needs enlightenment

Cameron Palmer cameron.palmer at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 08:09:57 PDT 2007

I have contrived an example of what I guess illustrates a
misconception about how ANTLR works and would like to ask others how
they would cope with such a grammar?

Here is my sample input file:

begin main
statement: foo bar
statement: coffee mug
begin sub
statement: jelly bean
statement: jumping jack

The lexing and parsing are straight forward. The grammar outputs an
AST like this:
(PROGRAM (BLOCK main (statement bar foo) (statement mug coffee))
(BLOCK sub (statement bean jelly) (statement jack jumping)))

The parameters to statement were reversed for the fun of it.

Now let's say you walk the tree and want to output text in the format of:
stmt bar foo
stmt mug coffee
stmt bean jelly
stmt jack jumping

Generating the output for the stmt lines is quite easy with a
StringTemplate. What is tricky is how to eliminate the begin and end's
from the input stream and output just the name of the code block.

if your grammar looks like:
grammar SampleAST;
options { output=AST; }
tokens { PROGRAM; BLOCK; }
program : block+ -> ^(PROGRAM block+);
block   : lc='begin' blockTag NL stat+ 'end' NL -> ^(BLOCK[$lc,
"BLOCK"] blockTag stat+);
blockTag : ID;
stat    : 'statement' COLON a=ID b=ID NL -> ^('statement' $b $a);
ID      : 'a'..'z' ('a'..'z')*;
COLON   : ':';
NL      : '\n';
WS      : (' ' | '\t') {$channel = HIDDEN;};

and your tree walker looks like:
tree grammar SampleASTWalker;
options { tokenVocab=SampleAST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; rewrite=true;
output=template; }
program : ^(PROGRAM block+);
block   : ^(BLOCK blockTag stat+);
blockTag : ID -> block(a={$ID.text});
stat    : ^('statement' a=ID b=ID) -> stmt(a={$a.text},b={$b.text});

My original thinking was that the AST output from the first meant that
dropped tokens were gone, but that just isn't the case. It is clear
that the output AST still references the original token stream (duh)
and that when you make your final call to toString, you will get a mix
of the original input and the rewriting done in the walker.

See that the stmt lines and the blockTags were rewritten. However the
begin and end tag have reappeared after disappearing in the AST
begin rw: main

stmt bar foo
stmt mug coffee
begin rw: sub

stmt bean jelly
stmt jack jumping

So now how do you get rid of the tokens from the original stream that
were more or less syntactic sugar? I have found two ways to do this,
pass the unwanted tokens in the AST and rewrite them in the walker, or
keep track of the unwanted tokens index position and delete them for
TokenStream before calling toString(). The latter is evil, and the
former is just ugly. What is the pretty way to do this?

Thank you,

Cameron Palmer
University of North Texas

PS This is the test harness:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
import java.io.*;

public class Main {
        public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
                FileReader SampleFileR = new FileReader("SampleAST.stg");
                StringTemplateGroup templates = new

                // Parse input and build AST
                ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(System.in);
                SampleASTLexer lexer = new SampleASTLexer(input);
                TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream(lexer);
                SampleASTParser parser = new SampleASTParser(tokens);
                SampleASTParser.program_return r = parser.program();

                // Walk AST
                CommonTree t = (CommonTree)r.getTree();


                CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(t);
                SampleASTWalker walker = new SampleASTWalker(nodes);
                SampleASTWalker.program_return r2 = walker.program();

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