[antlr-interest] announcing gUnit: ANTLR grammar unit testing

向秦贤 fyaoxy at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 16:01:57 PDT 2007

Wawo, so great!  gunit so pretty!
I tried, all passed. it make me happy.

gunit On;

"h" OK
"hello" OK
"hello " OK
"hello world" OK
"hello world " OK
"hello world     " OK
" hello world " OK
"hello " -> "hello"
"hello world" -> "hello world"
"hello world    " -> "hello world"
"    hello world    " -> "hello world"

"hello,world" OK
"hello,world" ->"(NAME (TSTRING hello) (TSTRING world))"
" hello ,    world " ->"(NAME (TSTRING hello) (TSTRING world))"

<<" hello
world ">> -><<(NAME (TSTRING  hello
world ))>>

though my last test infinite loop:)

And I have idea:
I use package name in my grammar, current gunit just take grammar name. so
do a hard code in it, I would like to deep into this tool.
I wanna enhance testcase with additional message, like I do before:
/*string test*/
//valid single test
//invalid single test

//valid multiple test
a aaaa
123 abc
123 abc
//quoted test

seems "input ouput" triple can be done "message input output" or "input
output message"
group message{

Thank you again:)

2007/8/16, Terence Parr <parrt at cs.usfca.edu>:
> Howdy.  Martin Bravenboer gave me a look at his nice grammar testing
> facilities for a GLR-based parser generator (ASF+SDF) at OOPSLA last
> year.  He inspired me to build one for ANTLR.  Fortunately, I found a
> very capable graduate student, Leon Su, that was able to implement it
> this summer.  Here is the wiki with code attached. :)
> http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/gUnit+-+Grammar+Unit+Testing
> Please direct feedback to the group and/or Leon so we can improve
> it.  I think you'll find it is a very nice tool.  Has both
> interpreted and gUnit->jUnit code gen modes. :)
> Terence

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