[antlr-interest] start/stop tokens for subrules?

David Holroyd dave at badgers-in-foil.co.uk
Thu Aug 30 13:58:15 PDT 2007

Knowing the start/stop tokens for an AST node is very important to my

ANTLRv3 generated parsers don't currently seem to set start/stop tokens
for the root AST nodes created by subrules.  Only the final result of the
rule as a whole gets these values defined.  e.g. in,

   :  (  qualifiedIdent -> qualifiedIdent
      (  options{greedy=true;}
      :   d=DOT qualifiedIdent
          -> ^(PROPERTY_OR_IDENTIFIER[$d] $identifier qualifiedIdent)
      -> ^(IDENTIFIER $identifier)

the generated PROPERTY_OR_IDENTIFIER node which is created as the root
of the subtree does not get the adaptor.setTokenBoundaries() love.

Admittedly, even if the subrule's root *did* get these values defined,
they would be 'wrong' for the tree I want to construct (I want the
startToken to reflect the start of the first child, not LT(1) at the
start of the subrule).

I therefore end up creating auxiliary rules like this:

   :  (  qualifiedIdent -> qualifiedIdent
      (  options{greedy=true;}
      :  poi=propOrIdent[root_0, retval.start] -> $poi
      -> ^(IDENTIFIER $identifier)

  propOrIdent[Tree identPrimary, Token startToken]
   :  { retval.start = startToken; }
      d=DOT propId=qualifiedIdent
      -> ^(PROPERTY_OR_IDENTIFIER[$d] {$identPrimary} $propId)

and while this seems to work, I feel dirty.

Is there a better way?



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