[antlr-interest] yet another build (with change list for today)

Terence Parr parrt at cs.usfca.edu
Thu Dec 27 17:16:30 PST 2007

Hi.  Just pushed:


Not sure what's changed since today's earlier build, but here are  
today's changes:

December 27, 2007

* Changed -Xnoinlinedfa to -Xmaxinlinedfastates m where m is
   maximum number of states a DFA can have before ANTLR avoids
   inlining it.  Instead, you get a table-based DFA.  This
   affectively avoids some acyclic DFA that still have many states
   with multiple incident edges.  The combinatorial explosion smacks
   of infinite loop.  Fixes ANTLR-130.

* [...] are allowed in args now but ] must be escaped as \]. E.g.,
   a[String[\] ick, int i] : ... ;
   And calling a rule: foo[x[i\], 34]
   Fixes ANTLR-140.

* Fixed ANTLR-105.   
   escaped " that were already escaped.

* target's can now specify how to encode int as char escape.  Moved
   DFA.encodeIntAsCharEscape to Target.

* Bug in runtime.DFA.  If a special state (one with predicate) failed,  
   tried to continue (causing out of range exception due to state = -1)
   instead of reporting error.

* If -dfa with combined grammar T.g, builds T.dec-*.dot and TLexer.dec- 

* Fix ANTLR-165.
   Generate TParser.java and TLexer.java from T.g if combined, else
   use T.java as output regardless of type.
   BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY since file names change.
   I changed the examples-v3/java to be consistent.  Required XML.g ->
   XMLLexer.java and fuzzy/Main.java change.

* Fix ANTLR-169.  Deletes tmp lexer grammar file.


PS	This link might show most recent fixes:


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