[antlr-interest] Error in predicate logic

Gerald B. Rosenberg gbr at newtechlaw.com
Mon Feb 19 12:01:21 PST 2007

Thanks much for the help, Gavin.

You were right about the unanticipated consuming of the 
non-SEMIs.  Missed it in my test case.  Seems the  ~(GRIDLET | 
LETTERS) is not needed because of how Antlr resolves equal length 
matches.  This should be the final version:

SPCHAR : { !tagMode && !attrMode }?=>
     ( AMP GRIDLET INT SEMI                     { printState("SpDigit "); }
     | AMP LETTERS SEMI                         { printState("SpLettr "); }
     | (AMP GRIDLET INT ~';')=> AMP GRIDLET INT { $type=PCDATA; 
printState("P2Data  "); }
     | (AMP GRIDLET ~INT)=> AMP GRIDLET         { $type=PCDATA; 
printState("P3Data  "); }
     | (AMP LETTERS ~';')=> AMP LETTERS         { $type=PCDATA; 
printState("P1Data  "); }
     | AMP                                      { $type=PCDATA; 
printState("PcData  "); }
     ) ;

At 12:30 PM 2/16/2007, Gavin Lambert wrote:
>At 04:17 17/02/2007, Gerald B. Rosenberg wrote:
>>     ( AMP GRIDLET INT SEMI    { printState("SpDigit "); }
>>     | AMP LETTERS SEMI        { printState("SpLettr "); }
>>     | AMP LETTERS ~';'        { $type=PCDATA; printState("P1Data  "); }
>>     | AMP GRIDLET INT ~';'    { $type=PCDATA; printState("P2Data  "); }
>>     | AMP GRIDLET ~INT        { $type=PCDATA; printState("P3Data  "); }
>>     | AMP                     { $type=PCDATA; printState("PcData  "); }
>>     ) ;
>That one's going to consume the non-semicolon character following 
>the letters as part of the PCDATA.

Gerald B. Rosenberg
Certiv Analytics

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