[antlr-interest] Return types on lexer rules do not seem to work.

Alex Shneyderman a.shneyderman at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 10:13:50 PDT 2007

I have a lexer rule like this:

returns [int tt=0;]
		: 'a'..'z';


When I run antlr on the grammar the corresponding rule that is
generated is like this:

    // $ANTLR start DUMMY
    public final void mDUMMY() throws RecognitionException {
        int tt = 0;;

        try {
            // Disambiguation.g:31:5: ( 'a' .. 'z' )
            // Disambiguation.g:31:5: 'a' .. 'z'
            matchRange('a','z'); if (failed) return tt;


        finally {
    // $ANTLR end DUMMY

Obviously, this has a syntax error.
I run it with 3.0 final, so you guys might have fixed it ... ?


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