[antlr-interest] Help controlling parser decisions

Thomas Brandon tbrandonau at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 02:52:31 PDT 2007

On 7/25/07, Ted Villalba <ted.villalba at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the responses.
> Seems straight forward enough to create the disambiguating semantic
> predicate, but perhaps Im not starting out with the right assumptions.
> If I want to accept near as a term if it begins( or ends) a sentence, then I
> thought I could do something like this:
> value   :  value_ -> ^(VALUE value_) ;
> value_  :  keyBOOL terms* (operator^ value)*
>             | LPAREN! value RPAREN! ( operator^ value)*
>             ;
> keyBOOL : {input.LT(1).getText().equals("NEAR")}? terms;
> terms   : WCHAR+  -> ^(TERMS WCHAR+ )
>            ;
> But when I try to enter SO=(NEAR apples oranges), the parser no likey.
> Still getting:
>      line 1:5 no viable alternative at input 'NEAR'.
> Am I missing an obvious puzzle piece ?
> I tried instead to assume all booleans were terms and then tested each of
> the terms in a similar approach, but wasn't successful yet at
> differentiating, on demand, the operators from the terms.
The problem in the above rules isn't obvious to me. Looks like it
should work, though you seem to have some uneeded + and *'s given that
term is already WCHAR+, but that shouldn't break it as far as I can
Were you running it under the ANTLRWorks interpreter? That won't do
actions so it won't work there. You need to use the debugger in this
I got the following grammar to parse your example fine as well as to
parse "near=(near apples oranges)", correctly handling the first
"near" as a tag and the second as a keyBool:
grammar WQL;


tokens{ TAG; VALUE; TERMS;} //imaginary token types

import java.util.HashMap ;

@members {
HashMap fieldMap = new HashMap();

   :(	query

	:	field

	:	tag '=' LPAREN value RPAREN -> ^('=' tag value)
    |	tag '=' terms -> ^('=' tag terms)
    |	qid

	:	keyBOOL terms?

	:	near
	|	far

	:	WCHAR+  -> ^(TERMS WCHAR+ )

tag	:	WCHAR

qid	: '#'! DIGIT

near:	{input.LT(1).getText().toLowerCase().equals("near")}? WCHAR

far	:	{input.LT(1).getText().toLowerCase().equals("near")}? WCHAR

DIGIT   : ('0'..'9');
WS      : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ {skip();};
LPAREN    : '(' ;
RPAREN    : ')' ;
QUOTE    : '"';
WCHAR   : ~('='|'('| ')'|'"'|' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r'|'#')+;

AFAICT there are no changes to the basic method you gave. I removed
some stuff to simplify putting together the grammar and I cleaned up
some of the unneccessary +s and *s. But no major changes.

> Thank you for the help,
> Ted

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