[antlr-interest] Grammar problem, probably silly....

Ruth Karl ruth.karl at gmx.de
Tue Jun 5 10:10:25 PDT 2007


I have been trying quite a while now, but I keep getting a 
MismatchedTokenException with the following simplified test grammar:

        grammar JSP;

        options {
            language = CSharp;
            output = AST;

        @members {
             boolean xmlDoc = false;
              boolean outputEnabled = false;

        @lexer::members {
                boolean tagMode = false;

        // Parser rules
        jsp    :    oroot (content)* croot EOF
        oroot     :     OPENTAG OROOT CLOSETAG   
        croot    :    OPENTAG '/jsp:root' CLOSETAG
        content    :     TEXT

        // Lexer rules
        OPENTAG     :     '<' { tagMode = true; }
        CLOSETAG     :     '>' { tagMode = false; }
        TEXT    :    {!tagMode}?=> (~'<')+
        OROOT    :    'jsp:root'

The exception occurs when I print


in the interpreter and tell it to start from jsp rule.
it says (4!=5), according to the generated files this is OROOT=5 and 
Could anyone please help me with that???

Thanks a lot!


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