[antlr-interest] How to resolve the left-recursion problem?

Juergen Reuter reuter at ipd.uka.de
Thu Jun 28 03:51:34 PDT 2007

Hi all,

I have basically the same left-recursion problem as already discussed on 
this list (see 
Unfortunately, the "NAME ('.'^ NAME)*" trick does not work for me, as 
antlr-3.0 generates Java code, that does not compile.  This is a bug, 

You should be able to reproduce the weired behavior with the following 
sample grammar:


grammar Grammar;
options {k=2; backtrack=true; memoize=true; output=AST;}

tokens {

 	:	'import' (packageReference '.' '*') ';'
         ^(Import Identifier*)

     :    Identifier ('.'^ Identifier)*

     :   Letter+

     :  '\u0041'..'\u005a' | '\u005f'


antlr-3.0 then generates the file GrammarParser.java that contains the 
following lines, starting at line 119:

                 // Grammar.g:11:18: ( Identifier )*
                 while (  ) {
                     adaptor.addChild(root_1, adaptor.create(Identifier, "Identifier"));


Consequently, javac then throws the following error at me:

GrammarParser.java:120: illegal start of expression
                 while (  ) {
1 error

So, my question is, is there any working solution for handling 
left-recursion problem?  Or, as a workaround, what would be the correct 
while condition that I should insert into the generated code?

Many thanks for any advice!


On Tue Jun 5 2007, Robin Davies wrote:

> > attribute_expression
> >  : NAME | dot_operator_exp
> >  ;
> >
> > dot_operator_exp
> >  : attribute_expression DOT NAME
> >  ;
> The generic way to deal with left-recursive structures is to convert 
> them to match the right side with EBNF loops: "(something)*". See page 
> 275 of the PDF manual for more details.
> attribute_expression
>       :      NAME  ('.' NAME) *
>       ;
> After using LALR grammars this seemed very unnatural, at first. But, 
> after gradually mind-shifting to the LL mind-set, this now seems very 
> natural. And very easy to deal with when you get to actually processing 
> the grammar! To convert this to AST, for example, you write:
> attribute_expression
>       :      NAME  ('.'^ NAME) *
>       ;
> and you will get exactly the tree that you want: a left-recursive tree
> structure.

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