[antlr-interest] Package Definition missing in ExprLexer, Present in ExprParser (why)

bryce.alcock at sungard.com bryce.alcock at sungard.com
Fri Mar 30 11:34:06 PDT 2007

I am not getting the package name  to show up in the 
ExprLexer.java file, while it is showing up in the ExprParser.java file
see example below.

Given this ANTLR3 grammer segment:

grammar Expr;// START:stat 
@header {
package com.sungard.[ Name Hidden  ].ruleparser;
 * ANTLR Generated Files
 * Copyright (C) Sungard Investment Managment Systems. All Rights 
 * This File may contain confidential, proprietary and privileged 
 * and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.
 * @auther balcock

prog: stat+ ; 

ExprLexer.java  contains:
// $ANTLR 3.0b6 Expr.g 2007-03-30 13:10:12

import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ExprLexer extends Lexer {
    public static final int T21=21;
    public static final int COMPOUND=10;
    public static final int T14=14;

ExprParser.java  contains:
// $ANTLR 3.0b6 Expr.g 2007-03-30 13:10:11

package com.sungard.[ Name Hidden  ].ruleparser;
 * ANTLR Generated Files
 * Copyright (C) Sungard Investment Managment Systems. All Rights 
 * This File may contain confidential, proprietary and privileged 
 * and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.
 * @auther balcock

import org.antlr.runtime.*;


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