[antlr-interest] Is "-debug" command line option broken with language=CSharp?

Micheal J open.zone at virgin.net
Fri May 25 03:12:15 PDT 2007

Hi Takashi,

Thanks for the report.

> I want to build a parse tree with my grammar, and as my first 
> step, I refer to this Wiki page: 
> http://www.antlr.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1760


> But when I compiled PParser.cs, I got 2 types of error messages:
> 1st:
> error CS0117: 'Antlr.Runtime.Debug.IDebugEventListener' does 
> not contain a definition for 'location' (this error occurred 5 times)

Yes the debug codegen output was broken :(

It has now been fixed with respect to this issue:

> 2nd:
> error CS0103: The name 'nvae' does not exist in the current 
> context (this erro occurred 1 time)
> C:\Work\AntlrExample\AntlrExample\PParser.cs(393,42): error CS0103: The
name 'nvae' does not exist in the current context

There is no entity named 'nvae' anywhere in the PParser.cs file. Is this a
real error?

Until the next "daily" build, you can grab the latest C# Dbg.stg template
group file from:


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