[antlr-interest] BUG: Incorrect token name (AMPERSAND) used in antlr.g

Austin Hastings Austin_Hastings at Yahoo.com
Fri Nov 16 22:10:21 PST 2007

The antlr.g file currently available from fisheye2.cenqua.com defines 
this token:


And uses it extensively, e.g., 

/** Match stuff like @parser::members {int i;} */
	:	AMPERSAND^ (actionScopeName COLON! COLON!)? id ACTION

In point of fact, an ampersand is this character: '&'.

The '@' character is known as a "commercial at" or an "at sign", and may 
also be referred to as an "arroba", an "ana" or an "ανά" (greek: alpha 
nu alpha-with-accent). I'd recomment the "arroba" usage - it is 
distinctive, easily pronounced, unlikely to be confused when spoken, and 
has a certain gravitas appropriate for discussing such a popular character.

FMTYEWTK about this symbol is available at 

Pedantically yours,


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