[antlr-interest] distinction between newline and ws

Sven Busse mail at ghost23.de
Sat Oct 20 07:28:55 PDT 2007



i am very new to antlr and language recognition. So i bought the book

from Terence Parr and now i am currently working through the first

example, the calculator. And unfortunately already, i don't understand

something. The grammar looks like this:


grammar Expr;


prog  :     stat+ ;


stat  :     expr NEWLINE

      |     ID '=' expr NEWLINE

      |     NEWLINE



expr  :     multExpr (('+'|'-') multExpr)* ;


multExpr:   atom ('*' atom)* ;


atom  :     INT

      |     ID

      |     '(' expr ')'



ID    :     ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+;

INT   :     '0'..'9'+;

NEWLINE     :     '\r'? '\n';

WS    :     (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ {skip();};


My Question now is, how does antrl know, that "\n" should match to a NEWLINE

of WS (which would mean, it would skip it)? I would have thought, this
grammar is

ambiguous, but apparantly, it isn't. Why not?


Thank you


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