[antlr-interest] Parsing byte streams

Felix Schmid felix at belugalounge.net
Sat Sep 1 14:01:30 PDT 2007


is it possible to parse byte streams, e.g. class files, using ANTLR? I 
think I have seen the topic mentioned somewhere, maybe in the wiki, but 
can't find it now....

Related to this, if it is possible, how could I skip over padding bytes 
while parsing? Say, the binary stream looks something like this:

1 byte length of value in 4-byte words (incl. padding) || 1 byte real 
value length in bytes || value        (|| means concatenation)

so if 'value' was 'aa00aa00aa', the byte stream would look something 
like '0205aa00aa00aa000000...' and the parser had to be clever enough to 
understand that from the 8 bytes following the first byte, only the 
first 5 are the real value and the 3 bytes at the end have to be skipped 
(to hit the first byte of the next segment)....Could it be done with ANTLR?

thanks for your attention,


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