[antlr-interest] Trouble using backtracking (I think)

John Woods jqwoods at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 10:25:28 PDT 2008

Thanks Ron,

I see your point about preferring to place longer alternatives first for 
performance reasons. And making the rearrangements you suggest does make 
my parser work.

But I'm curious if anyone could explain why rearranging the order of 
alternatives would affect what input can be parsed when backtracking is 
enabled. I understand that the order of alternatives will affect which 
of several possible alternatives will be matched first. But in the case 
where the first alternative doesn't match, and the second does, I'm 
wondering why backtracking doesn't come back and try the second 
alternative. Perhaps, as you suggest, there's a limit to how much 
backtracking will back track.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Hunter-Duvar
Sent: 04/22/2008 09:20 AM
> I haven't worked with backtracking yet, but in general, your longer 
> alternatives should come first. I think if you swap the order of the 
> alternatives in the expression and lower_term rules it will work.
> I'm not sure how far back backtracking will go in order to try matching 
> the input (backtracking all the way to the beginning and trying every 
> possibility can lead to exponential parse times). In this case, 
> expression successfully matches the first alternative, lower_term. Given 
> this match, it's looking for the closing bracket back up in the input 
> rule. I don't know at this point if it will then throw away the 
> successful expression match and try the second alternative.
> Is there a good reason why you want to try the shorter alternative 
> first, and backtrack if that ends up causing a downstream failure?
> Ron
> John Woods wrote:
>> I'm having trouble figuring out why my grammar isn't working as 
>> expected, and would greatly appreciate any pointers on what I'm 
>> misunderstanding.
>> My generated parser behaves as if backtracking isn't working as I 
>> would expect. And further, when I modify the grammar in a way that I 
>> wouldn't expect to have an effect, backtracking appears to start working.
>> I've simplified the grammar as much as I could and still reproduce the 
>> problem. And the simplified input I'm trying to parse is "(a = b)" 
>> (without the quotes).
>> Here's the test grammar:
>>     grammar Test;
>>     options {
>>         language = Java;
>>         output = AST;
>>         backtrack = true;
>>     }
>>     input
>>         : expression
>>         | '(' input ')'
>>         ;
>>     expression
>>         // Swapping the following two lines makes it
>>         // work for input "(a = b)". But why won't it
>>         // work with backtracking the way it is?
>>         : lower_term
>>         | term '=' term
>>         ;
>>     term
>>         : lower_term
>>         | UPPER
>>         ;
>>     lower_term
>>         : LOWER
>>         // Removing "term*" from the following line, or
>>         // removing the line altogether makes it work.
>>         // Why is that? Seems unrelated to given input.
>>         | LOWER '(' term* ')'
>>         ;
>>     UPPER: 'A'..'Z';
>>     LOWER: 'a'..'z';
>>     WHITESPACE: (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r'|'\f') { skip(); };
>> When I try to parse the input "(a = b)", I get the following error:
>>     BR.recoverFromMismatchedToken
>>     line 1:3 mismatched input '=' expecting ')'
>> It appears that the parser attempts to parse the "expression" rule 
>> using the "lower_term" alternative only, and when that fails, it seems 
>> like backtracking isn't coming back and attempting the other 
>> alternative of "term '=' term".
>> I'm using ANTLR version 3.0.1 (August 13, 2007).
>> Finally, here's the test driver:
>>     import java.io.*;
>>     import org.antlr.runtime.*;
>>     import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
>>     public class Test {
>>         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>             String string = "(a = b)";
>>             ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream =
>>                 new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes());
>>             ANTLRInputStream antlrInputStream =
>>                 new ANTLRInputStream(byteArrayInputStream);
>>             TestLexer testLexer =
>>                 new TestLexer(antlrInputStream);
>>             CommonTokenStream commonTokenStream =
>>                 new CommonTokenStream(testLexer);
>>             TestParser testParser =
>>                 new TestParser(commonTokenStream);
>>             CommonTree commonTree =
>>                 (CommonTree)testParser.input().getTree();
>>             System.out.println(commonTree.toStringTree());
>>         }
>>     }

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