[antlr-interest] ANTLR 3: relax this error for the java taget: 'label conflicts with rule with same name'

Francis ANDRE francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr
Thu Aug 14 09:19:03 PDT 2008


One gets this error message Cobol.g:4:44 label subscript conflicts with 
rule with same name
on the following snippet

grammar Cobol;
tokens { DOT='DOT';  SECTION='SECTION';  IDENT='I'; }
debut    :    subscripts    ;
subscripts returns[Object[\] indexes] : LP subscript = subscript (COMMA 
subscript = subscript)* RP ;
subscript returns [Object index]        :  IDENT | NUMBER ;
NUMBER      : '0'..'9'+;
LP                  : '(';
RP                  : ')';
COMMA        : ',';
Since one can write this valid  Java code
class Foo {
    static Foo     foo = foo();

    static Foo foo() {
        return new Foo();
I am proposing to relax this error message for Java and keep it for all 
languages that do not allow this construct as C, C++...



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