[antlr-interest] Parser generator philosophy

Mark Whitis whitis at freelabs.com
Sun Jan 6 19:44:15 PST 2008

On Sat, 5 Jan 2008, Johannes Luber wrote:

> Reading further, I've first thought, you were thinking of something like
> <http://www.antlr.org/share/1196371900868/yggdrasil.pdf>. But you aren't.

Thanks for that link.   The docs look pretty sketchy but there does
appear to be some overlap with what I am saying.

> A major problem seems to be with your approach, that tree rewriting
> isn't supported as everything goes into one file.

I never said tree rewriting isn't supported.   Everything for
the very front end goes into one file or set of files (user's
choice, not the tools).   In practice, one file would usually be
used except for modular grammars where a set of grammars
share modules.

In fact, I am dismayed to read that antlr itself doesn't yet
support tree rewriting rules for tree grammers, though that
is planned for future versions.   Odd becuase you would
think that it would take more to remove it.

You might, as a simplified example,  have many passes in a compiler:
   - The first pass parses the syntax.
     it executes the portable "syntax { }" actions.
     builds a symbol table.
   - the second pass does the semantic tagging.
     Can be merged with the first pass on some languages like
     C that require forward declarations.
     executes the protable "semantic { } actions.
     Does the semantic tagging.   AST tree is built here or
     in pass 1.
   - The third pass resolves constant subexpressions as these
     will need to be resolved before you can determine the
     size of objects "char a[SIZE+1]".
     They are either removed from the tree or kept but tagged
     as dead weight but still available for things like
     error messages so the compiler can tell you that
     "a+b+c" which resolves to "15" is not a valid value
     rather than confusing you with "15".
   - The fourth pass, which might be merged with the third,
     would do source level optimiztion like pruning code where:
        if(never) {
     It might also factor out constant subexpressions, do
     loop unrolling, etc.
   - The fifth pass outputs LLVM assembler
   - subsequent optimization and code generation passes handled by LLVM

The division between first and second pass is a little fuzzy, still.
The basic issue is that many languages require you to build at least
a minimal symbol table before you can finish parsing.   In C, is "a*b"
multiplication (with discarded result) or declaring b to be a
pointer to type a?   If the language has an ambiguous syntax and
lets you write things in any order like
    typedef int a;
Then things start to get really ugly.

Only the first two passes use the portable grammar file.  The third and 
fourth passes do not need to be defined in the portable grammar file. 
The tagging information left behind by the grammar file provides enough 
information for these passes to be done with no knowledge of the specific 
grammar.  Thus, these are language independent parts of the compiler 

Most of what happens in pass 3 and later can be language independent 
provided you have a core that is built around a meta language that supports the 
common constructs of many languages. One notable exception is function 
calling conventions which can be target and language specific.  However, 
because of cross language linkages, a compler for one language needs to 
support more than one of these anyway. It is easy to graft a C frontend 
onto a C++ compiler, and not just because C is mostly a subset 
notationally.  C++ has the constructs and the ambiguity. As C++ is a 
kitchen sink language, a core which supports C++ is close to supporting 
many other languages. Yes, the core will need to be extended some as 
languages are added.

Your typical syntax highlighting editor would perform passes 1 and 2.
It might punt when it comes to highlighting the truly ambiguous stuff.
A smarter version, might do something analagous to passes 3 and 4, 
displaying the contents of if(never) in grey and displaying the results of 
constant expressions when you mouseover.

A translator normally would skip passes 3 and 4.

> And I can't help to
> feel that the four categories for code are somewhat arbitrary.

No, not really arbitrary but not final either.  The key point is that 
there needs to be a division.  The division between the first two 
categories is still a little fuzzy at this point but they differ in 
fundamental ways.  Syntax {} contains the stuff without which you could 
not parse the grammar.  Semantics {} contains only tagging rules. If you 
don't need tagging, for example, you could simply not apply these rules.
The distinction between the antlrcode (probably should be renamed
portableactions) and the language specific implementations is very
clear.    The language specific stuff is only for the stuff
that can't be handled by the portable actions.   And both the
antlrcode and language "*" sections are just there to allow
traditional (application specific) behavior without the
existing problems mixing languages.

> I'm really wondering, if one can automatically convert a LR-grammar into
> LL or the other way around. That may cause additional ambiguities which
> aren't there in the original version. How can a tool extract enough
> information to solve these problems? IMO, having something like
> Yggdrasil is enough, as automatic conversions between different grammar
> forms are only a nice-to-have feature. Building a target-independent
> grammar for a particular parsing method seems not to bad for a deal.

Yeah, I am wondering that as well.   There is a good chance that
there may be some grammars that are not even be expressable in
certain grammar rule types like LR.    However, there are also
likely to be a number of grammars that can be converted.  Your
typical expression syntax can be expressed in LR, GLR, LL(k),
LL(*), or recursive descent.

This is a problem for the academics to play with.

This is a little different than the problem, of converting from
a portable grammar syntax to LR(k) or LL(k).   In a portable
syntax you may have more information:
   expr: factor (
      precedence(10) expr "*" expr
      | precedence(10) expr "/" expr
      | precedence(20) expr '+' expr
      | precedence(20) expr '-' expr
      | atom
This is much easier to read and write and is sufficiently abstract
that it could probably be translated into an LL or LR grammar
fairly easily.   It hasn't been factored into either LL or LR yet
so information hasn't been lost or convoluted.  It requires factoring
code to be written.   If I was a professor, like Terrance, 
I might have a student take a crack at it.

Something similar might be possible to apply to the classic
shift/reduce conflict:
      | precedence(10) if '(' expr ')' '{' statement* '}' else '{'
      precedence(20) if '(' expr ')' '{'  statement* '}'
While precedence() might not be as flexible as a predicate, but for
those operations where it is usable, it is more abstract and
isn't target language specific.

> The major problem with your abstract markup is that it is limited to the
> things, you have included. YGGDRASIL is probably not limited, but Loring
> Cramer knows best.

Well, I don't really understand what yggdrasil does and doesn't do.
But from your statement, I would get the impression that it might
do too much in the grammar file such that you end up repeating
the same stuff across a lot of grammars.

Tagging things is pretty easy to do.   Coming up with an initial
set of tags is the hard part.   If you come up with a set of
tags that work for C++ you are most of the way there, but you
need to add some things like "finally".  And the set of tags
would be maintained in a CVS central repository with a wiki for
documenting them.

> I'm not sure what the difference between a compiler compiler and parser
> generator is supposed to be. For me, they refer to the same thing.

That is because the term "compiler compiler" as commonly used is a 
misnomer.    A parser generator produces a parser (and maybe a lexer).
A compiler compiler would produce a compiler or at least a substantial
prototype.   A compiler compiler would link to a backend or produces
results that can be directly linked and provides the syntax trees in a
form that is directly usable by the back end.   With a parser generator
one grammer might produce a syntax tree with "<" and another ".LT." for
the same operation.    You can improve on that by having standard
conventions such that both produce "LESS_THAN_OPERATOR" for the tree
node but in doing so, you have probably lost the original text and
thus would end up with error messages like
   "LESS_THAN_OPERATOR" not defined for combination of string and int.
Instead of
   "<" not defined for combination of string and int.

>> This is somewhat similar to existing AST/parse tree behavior.   But it
>> adds standardized tagging.     The grammar writer can call x a 'function',
>> 'proceedure', or a "frobnitz" but the tree will still contain the necessary
>> information.   Notice that there is not a single action in this example.
>> The actions are implied by the semantics and the application, not hard
>> coded into the grammar file.    One tool may produce a compiler,
>> one tool may produce an interpretter, one tool may produce a translator,
>> another tool produces documentation, another tool analyzes variable
>> dependencies, another tool does logic synthesis, etc.
>> All work from the same grammar and the same AST++ tree.   They work
>> whether you write the expression as "a+b" or "a b +".   It doesn't matter
>> what style the grammar is written in (for example antlr style or LR style)
>> or what style the language expresses them in.
> That sounds utopian. Not sure if all tools can derive their required
> information like you describe.

Can all tools derive 100%?  Maybe not.   But getting more than 90% is
probably reasonable.   A lot of the hard stuff deals with stuff like 
arbitrary conventions for particular languages on particular platforms.  In
C++, file name munging isn't even the same for different compilers
on the same platform.   But that doesn't stop you from using the
same backend to compile 10 different languages from 10 different
grammars and linking them together or building a compiler that
can produce a working executable for your new language with complete
source.  And, as I said above, linkage conventions for different
languages are needed for each language so it can link to other
languages anyway so linkage conventions are a platform issue
more than a language issue.   So, a backend would accept
plugins that handle such arbitrary stuff.   The C++ compiler
might use the platform specific C, C++, ADA, D, and C# plugins.
The D compiler uses the same set of plugins.

Stuff that should be fairly easy to handle:
   - expressions
   - variable declarations
   - type declarations
   - scalar types
   - function definitions
   - exception handling
   - class definitions
   - statements
   - function arguments
Sure different languages have different modifiers for types and
variables.   static, private, public, const, final, near, far,
__attribute__((section("bank3E.rodata"))).   Function arguments
have various permutations indicating how the values may be passed: in, 
out, inout, copy, reference.  Scalar types usually map to 8, 16, 32, or
64 bit integers, 32, 40, 48, 64, or 80 bit floating point,  16, 32, or
64 bit pointers or references, with some additional attributes like
signed/unsigned.   On some weird platforms, you might have 24 bit
integers (DSP), 9 bit bytes, 36 bit words (IBM Mainframe), etc.  most 
complex types combine these basic forms into arrays, structs, classes,
lists, or hashes.   In C, you have int which may be 16 or 32 bits or
even 36 bits depending on platform.   So, you need to be able
to tag something "exactly 32 bits" or "at least 32 bits" and
"exactly" itself has two modifiers: "exactly 32 bits for calculations"
(i.e. every calculation on a 36 bit word is followed by "X &= 0xFFFFFFFF"
and "exactly 32 bits for storage" in case you are reading a 
binary structure from a normal machine on a 36 bit mainframe (chances
are you will just stuff it into a 36 bit word and waste 4 bits instead).

You aren't going to take a grammar file, run it through a tool
and produce a production ready compiler in a day.   But you
could take the grammar file and in one day be ready to write
test cases to evaluate the expressive power of the language,
excluding constructs that don't exist in other common languages.

> ...
>> With operand_a and operand_b perhaps prefixed or linked to OPERATOR_PLUS
>> entry, which might be necessary to unravel more complicated versions.
>> This wouldn't be limited to proceedural languages.   Abstract tagging
>> could describe lists, sets, etc. for data files.   Data languages would
>> add more tags, thus a node would be tagged as a) a list and b) information
>> about what information it contains (Phone numbers).   Thus there would
>> be two tags from different domains, one application specific.
>> Additional tags for protocols.   The tags might indicate that
>> the data is a variable length list with hash and/or subscript lookup.
>> Additional tags for 2D/3D graphics modelling.
> This proves that your approach is indeed one level too low.

Vague assertion.

> If you need more than fifty different things which won't be nonetheless
> ever enough then you aren't doing things orthogonal.

You could say the same meaningless statement about needing 50 different 
grammars for 50 different languages which will never be enough because
there will always be a language 51.    There will always be another
language.    However, the number of basic tags increases at a much
lower rate than the number of languages.   It is possible for the
number of tags to be smaller than the number of languages supported.
A couple hundred tags could support an infinite number of programming
languages, if not real ones.   If you group the tags into
sets (TRY, CATCH, FINALLY, RAISE) then the number of tag groups is
roughly equivalent to the number of constructs supported.

Your criticism seems analogous to criticizing English because
"noun" and "verb" are defined in a dictionary and new nouns
and verbs need to be added.    I am sure we could both
rip into English for a whole lot of reasons but that isn't
really one of them.   Now, logban, IIRC tries to address
the vocabularity issue by using compound words such that
"small-ice-planet" is used for meteor.   And it wouldn't
hurt to apply a little of that to the TAG naming to make
the names more consistant (or "orthogonal" if you prefer).

Tags is much better than rewriting compiler code glue for every
language that supports a construct.    The later is of order N*M where N
is the number of languages and M is the number of constructs.

For data files, the secondary attributes I refer to like 
URL, CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER, etc.) are strings.  It costs very little to 
convey additional information.  These are just taken from a domain 
specific dictionary with shared subsets.  Thus, if a program sees a tree 
   ^('Numero Telephono:':PHONES:LIST:
without understanding the grammar rule names (which may be derived from
one of many standards and thus different for each grammar that contains
contact info) or the language (spanish) the data file was written in , it 
immediately undestands that it has a list of three
phone numbers and can dial a number if you click on it, can search
based on phone number, etc.   This won't convey everything there
is to know about the data to every tool.   It isn't enough
to perform automatic translations from one language to another
though common subsets may be translated or searched.  You can answer
questions like, what is Mark's email whether that information
was given to you in a vcard or a docbook manuscript, even
if you don't know which file the information is in.   These
could be organized in a hierarchy.   Thus, PHONE_NUMBER becomes
entity.contact.phone.   There is nothing ANTLR specific about
these secondary keywords, they deal with the general problem
of tagging descriptive information.   They could be used to derive XML tags,
used by search engines such as google, in database field descriptions, and 
a variety of other applications.

If we are going to use 'orthogonal' sloppily, I can also say that
hand coding parsers in C is more 'orthogonal' than writing parsers
in ANTLR because there will always be another language that
ANTLR can't parse.

So, yes, creating a compiler for a new language in some cases requires
defining a new tag and thus we have to add a tag definition NEWTAG to
the central repository.  In the mean time, we can use X_NEWTAG
during the discusion period.   There may not even be a need
to add the tag, in some cases.   If you are writing an C-INTERCAL
compiler, you just use X_COMEFROM_STATEMENT and be done with it as there
are few, if any, other programming languages that support COMEFROM.
Or you tag it INTERCAL_NONSTANDARD and the backend loads your
intercal_nonstandard.so plugin if it isn't, calls the nonstandard() 
method, passes a pointer to the tree node, the root of the tree, 
and options struct, and you code it the way you would have coded
it if you weren't using tags by just looking at the text of the
node.   The compiler backend itself doesn't need updating
because you can implement a comefrom by rewriting the tree and
converting it into a standard goto.

A lot of languages could be implemented without changing ANTLR+=2
or the compiler core just by doing tree rewrites.   If it is code
that is usable by other languages, then define a standard tag.

The process of defining a new tag could be to:
   - Post a new tag feature request on bugzilla, wiki, and/or a mailing
   - wait 14 days for discussion, using X_NEWTAG in the interim.
   - submit your new tag definition to CVS/SVN/etc.
   - submit modifications to existing plugins, if any, to CVS
   - submit your plugin, if open source, to CVS.
I.E. it would be an internet mediated standards process with low
overhead.    You post a suggestion to add tags for "try/catch/raise",
someone writes back that try/catch/finally/raise would be better
and you code your plugin so it handles at least try/catch with
in a way that allows easy addition of finally if you don't
implement finally.

> The use of '+' as string concatenation operator is indeed bad, but not
> all languages have that use truly inbuilt. OO-Languages like C# employ
> operator overloading. In these cases I don't see your approach working.

The first works as it goes through the normal operator overloading
mechanism.   The second or third sets would tip off tools that
are not compilers that something fishy might be going on.

You may need special handling if you allow constant initializers
with plugins:
    string foo="hello" + ", world";
A language that allows this, however, is likely to use the same
semantics as this in C:
    char foo[]="hello" ", world"
Thus the constant subexpression plugin can be expected to have a method
that implements this and you just need to TAG it or rewrite it in
your grammar file.

>> Users would define their own, nonstandard tags using the common "X_NAME()"
>> convention until the tags were standardized.
> This approach makes me shudder...

Why?   It works fine in many other areas.   Any language which can't
be extended is limited in its expressive power.

> I thought you could prevent while rewriting the loss of any information.
> In my view, you can save everything needed somewhere.

That may be but as far as I can see that isn't normal practice or
necessarily easy to do.
> I have to disagree there. Runtimes have always some specific ways to
> deal with problems - and those specifics don't only very in how they
> differ, but also where they differ. So I consider it far more work to
> make runtime translations automatically - without any human intervention
> afterwards - than to do it yourself by hand (except basic syntax
> translation).

So what?  Just because you use translation doesn't mean you can't
optimize or make changes.  You could substitute individual methods
in the generated code.  Even if it is harder at first, in the
long run it isn't and the solution may address other problems as well.
Maintaining five different implementations of the same code
is asking for trouble.   Maintaining 10 is worse.

Now, how well code translates depends on how you write the code.
If you write code that looks like C with classes, it can be fairly
easy.   If you use exceptions, it is harder to port to some
languages.   ANTLR code seems to use exceptions like crazy,
so much so that exceptions are the normal case, not the exceptions.
Without exceptions, the code might be say 20% larger.   With exceptions,
however, the code is 400% larger when you factor in the different 
languages.   While the source code is a bit larger if you don't
use exceptions, the object code isn't necessarily smaller or
faster - exception implementation can have a lot of overhead.
And exceptions have various semantic quirks.
    if(rc=match(...)==EXCEPTION) {
       // blah
    } else if(rc==SUCCESS) {
      // blah
Optionally (if you care about sort order)
    else {if(rc==LESS_THAN) {
      // blah
    } else {if(rc==GREATER_THAN) {
      // blah
    else {
      // blah

Porting exception handling code to C looks kinda ugly and there
are a few surprises (like some local variables allocated to registers 
being returned to their previous state if not declared volatile.
But C isn't the only language porting exceptions can be an
issue as different languages have different quirks.

> Unicode handling makes case insensitivity more complicated. In Turkey
> the uppercase y isn't Y, but Y accented with ... whatever that accent
> is. In any case, you have to add locales. I know that .NET supports
> locales so at least there it may be easy to compare the input. But I
> don't know if the templates to generate the parser can be easily updated.

I deal with this at length in my case sensitivity post which I mentioned 
was forthcoming.  Short version is there is really much excuse for not 
creating the basic infrastruction and providing an ASCII implementation 
and you can substitute unicode methods that will work for a lot of unicode 
using existing libraries.  But if you want proper handling, you will have 
to abandon the notion of a string as an array of 8/16/32 bit characters 
and instead treat it as a string of variable length objects that you use 
standard library functions to sequence through, compare, etc.  For ASCII 
you can optimize by making your string methods inline and suffer very 
little performance penalty.  Full unicode support would be a gradual 
transition.  Would have been pretty easy to do in the ANTLR3 rewrite, 
probably much harder now.   Spend a couple hours skimming the unicode
standard and you have a pretty good idea what your string class should
look like.

>>   - selectively disallowing whitespace between tokens
> Something I did with checking the indices of the supposedly neighboring
> tokens (difference may be only one).

Target language and runtime specific but I might borrow that as a 
workaround until ANTLR is fixed.

>>   - choosing between multiple token rules that match the same input
>>     based on parser context.
> Can be done already. Just use for scanning a normal name (like "TILDE")
> and via rewriting and imaginary tokens you can get to

Not sure exactly what you are saying but it sounds target language and
runtime specific.

>>   - communicating between parser rules/actions and lexer rules/actions
>>     - shared variables
>>     - arguments
> The situation right now: The Lexer is entirely separate from the parser.
> In fact the default implementation lexes everything before the parser
> sees the first token. Unfortunately, there are enough situations, where
> the parser HAS to tell the lexer something. Using globals isn't enough
> (scopes don't work because lexer and parser are in separate files and
> classes).

Yeah, I think we agree here.

> Which reminds me: Lexer tokens can't have arguments, unless they are
> fragment rules. I forgot the reason for this, but orthogonality-wise
> it's not a good decision, even so implementation-wise the reason may be
> sound.

Yes, this could be a pain to implement.  I can suggest a number of
   - general absence of comunication between parser/lexer.
   - parser doesn't call lexer functions directly, but through
     a stream class that isn't yet flexible enough to communicate.
   - precomputed state machines
   - the need to purge lookahead token cache, etc. when changing
   - a lot of optimizations may assume that the breakdown of text
     into tokens is constant regardless of context.
   - possible use of code that resembles
    rather than
    You can add arguments to the second version and modify the meddling
    classes in between to pass the data through.

There are ways around this.    They aren't necessarily easy.  But I
have mentioned some of them.

>>   - selecting tree format, where more than one is supported.  AST vs Parse
>>     trees in this case.
> Not sure, what you mean here.

Actually, neither am I.  Must have been interrupted when I wrote that.

>>   - keyword abreviation
>>     (very common in command languages, a really bad idea to use in scripts
>>     written in those languages)
> In combination with case insensitivity? In any case, these feature has
> been requested already.

And they will keep being requested.  wheels don't get greased unless they 
squeak.  Not something I care that much about, myself, since I usually 
don't allow abreviation but it was an obvious case.

>>   - grammar include files
> That feature is supposed to be included in 3.1.

Thanks.   Glad to hear that.

>>   - operator precedence.
> I'm not sure, if that is a good idea or not...

No, it isn't a good idea, it is a great one.  :-)   It turns out
that there is a way of doing this that solves, or improves,  about
half a dozen problems at once.   Readabiity, writability, target
language independence, using multiple backends (LR/LL/GLR/recusive
descent/etc), portability between tools, ability to use grammar
files for non-parser purposes, information abstraction, etc.   See above.

>>   - access to parser class members from lexer actions, access
>>     to lexer class members from parser actions, and access to other
>>     utility classes from either.
> See a few comments above.

Here, I am not talking about passing arguments to rules but
rather communicating between lexer and parser actions.  If you
change the value of a predicate as a result, though you better
warn antlr so it can flush the cache and backtrack.

>>   - Non-finite input streams, streams larger than memory, and
>>     streams where not all data is immediately available
>>     (such as protocols).
> Definitively missing.

May not be that hard to add.   Although ANTLR's concept is
that if you give it a file it sucks the whole thing into a string
and works on the string and rather than copying characters from the
stream it uses pointers/indexes to reference them, it does
have the ability to rewrite token values.   Thus, token values
are not limited to coming from the content of the stream.
So, the implementation is probably functionally similar to:
    struct {
       char *source_string;
       int start_char;
       int num_chars;
       boolean_t free_it;
Thus, copying the source instead of referencing it may be fairly easy to 
add.   However, you probably have to deal with with a tendancy to
read the same source more than once and thus may need a ring buffer
on the input which means you need to handle wrapping.

>>   - operator tokens defined by the user
>>     of a grammar, not the grammer itself.   Requires a runtime
>>     table lookup.   Multiple character operators "++" would be harder to
>>     implement, though possible.   This gets around, for example, the
>>     c++ limitation on defining new operators.
>>      U+2200 .. U+22FF (mathematical symbols) are prime candidates.
>>     as are U+0391..U+03A9 and U+03B1..U+03C9 (greek letters).
> Huh? At which step of a usual compiler development are the user supposed
> to add their new operators?

At no stage of compiler development.   The end-user declares their tokens
in the file being compiled.    This should not be as hard as it sounds
at first.   It means that each state of a state machine where this
token may be relevent consults a lookup table.  This will typically
affect a few special rules:
     NEW_OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE_1:  :new-token[1]: ;
     NEW_OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE_2:  :new-token[2]: ;
     NEW_OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE_3:  :new-token[3]: ;
     NEW_OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE_4:  :new-token[4]: ;
This gets tagged NEW_OPERATOR and the compiler back end takes advantage of 
the fact that it gets both tags and the original text.  Lexer states
just call is_new_operator(precedence, char_reference);  you arange 
things so these rules are called last.   Just a tad more and you
can define unary vs binary operators.  Presto, you
have the ability to use a whole bunch of new operators and define
their precedence.    http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2200.pdf

Making the changes to ANTLR grammar and lexer would be done at the
same time unicode property matching is added, so the marginal cost
is small.

>>   - layered parsing
>>     For example, You might layer an SVG parser on top of an XML parser.
>>     @include might be enough, then again it might not be.
> That could be done via another tree grammar after XML.

One problem here is that ANTLR currently doesn't let treeparsers
output trees.

> Unicode support isn't that good. I'd like to declare the use of
> character classes and to being capable to deal with characters beyond
> \uFFFF. It would make a lexer for C# very easy.

I will move comments to the case insensitivity/unicode post.

Thanks for your input.

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