[antlr-interest] wiki-like grammar problem

Norbert Sándor developer at erinors.com
Sun Jun 15 13:56:53 PDT 2008


I'm very new to antlr and grammars in general, so sorry in advance if I 
made a usual newbie mistake :).

I try to create a simple wiki-like grammar (absolutely for 
learning/practising purpose).
My first goal was very simple: the parser should parse multi-line text 
with either plain text or bold text (with the syntax **bold text**).
The grammar is at the bottom of this message. The reason I chose gated 
semantic predicate is because later I want to handle italic, underlined, 
etc. text markup in the same rule (at least I think so now ;) ).

I have two problems:
1. It doesn't work :) - I get "FailedPredicateException(text1, 
{!text1::bold}?)" message in the AntlrWorks interpreter. What is the 
correct way to write such a grammar (with the ability to easily add 
italic, underlined, etc. markup later)?
2. For some reason the generated code is invalid if I use "text" as rule 
name. Why is this?

One more question:
3. Is there a grammar available for parsing a wiki-like text? I saw the 
grammar for Wiki Creole but I don't like it, it handles bold, etc. texts 
in a non-natural way.

Thanks for your help in advance!

--- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 --- >8 
--- >8 ---

grammar Text;

options {
   language = Java;

STAR    :    '*';
   :    STAR STAR;
   :    'a'..'z' | ' ';
NEWLINE : ( CR )? LF | CR;
fragment CR : '\r';
fragment LF : '\n';

page    :    text1* (NEWLINE | EOF);

       boolean bold;
       {!$text1::bold}?=> BOLD_MARKUP {$text1::bold=true;} text1 
BOLD_MARKUP {$text1::bold=false;}

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