[antlr-interest] faster expression parsing

Terence Parr parrt at cs.usfca.edu
Sun Mar 23 11:36:01 PDT 2008

Hi Gavin,

Excellent suggestions, very much along the lines of what I was  
thinking.  I have summarize my thoughts here:


On Mar 19, 2008, at 3:55 AM, Gavin Lambert wrote:

> At 14:57 19/03/2008, Terence Parr wrote:
> >We'd just need to say something like you request.  I also
> >thought that just using an option would be ok...or, use
> >the left-recursive rule.
> >
> >e	:	e '*' e
> >	|	e '-' e
> >	|	e '+' e
> >	|	'-' e
> >	|	e '.' ID
> >	|	e '[' e ']'
> >	|	e '(' e (',' e)* ')'
> >	|	INT
> >	|	ID
> >	;
> >
> >That's nice 'cause it's explicit like a yacc grammar would be.
> >I'd recognize this pattern and build what i sent before.  Only
> >issue is precedence.  Order would work sort of but probably
> >not perfectly...for example a+b.x should not match as (a+b).x.
> Well, for that case I think that's just because the alts are out of  
> order :)
> Though I don't think you can use alt order alone as an indicator of  
> precedence, since there has to be some way to signal equal  
> precedence (think "a * b / c".  If division is given higher  
> precedence than multiplication then you'll get the wrong answer,  
> using integer arithmetic).
> Extending that a bit (and including subrule invocation), how about  
> something like this:
> e : ( ID | INT )
>  | '(' e ')'
>  | callArrayMember
>  | unop
>  | ( e '*' e | e '/' e )
>  | ( e '+' e | e '-' e )
>  | comparison
>  | assignment
>  ;
> callArrayMember
>  : e '(' e (',' e)* ')'
>  | e '[' e ']'
>  | e '.' ID
>  ;
> unop
> options { associativity = right; }
>  : '+' e
>  | '-' e
>  ;
> comparison
>  : e '==' e
>  | e '!=' e
>  | e '<' e
>  | e '>' e
>  | e '<=' e
>  | e '>=' e
>  ;
> assignment
> options { associativity = right; }
>  : e '=' e
>  | e '+=' e
>  | e '-=' e
>  | e '*=' e
>  | e '/=' e
>  ;
> The idea is that in the "root" rule (which might need a special  
> option to make it easily recognisable), each top-level alt  
> represents an order of precedence, from highest to lowest.  Sub-alts  
> (as in ID & INT, * & /) have equal precedence.  If a subrule is  
> called, it's treated like a sub-alt; all alts within the subrule  
> have equal precedence.  You can also use an option to specify the  
> operator associativity.  (I think you're allowed to specify options  
> at the alt level as well, but just to be safe [and because it seemed  
> tidier that way] I put them in subrules.)
> Of course, I'm not sure how hard all of this would be to produce;  
> it's like a little mini-grammar in its own right.  And something  
> like the callArrayMember subrule would probably be hard to generate  
> a good AST automatically for.

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