[antlr-interest] QUESTION on: How do I handle abbreviated keywords?
Ben Gillis
wbgillis at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 00:06:07 PDT 2008
Hi Gavin,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gavin Lambert" <antlr at mirality.co.nz>
To: "Ben Gillis" <wbgillis at gmail.com>; <antlr-interest at antlr.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: [antlr-interest] QUESTION on: How do I handle abbreviated
> At 18:53 1/11/2008, Ben Gillis wrote:
> >In my CSharp2 target, there *already* is both components
> necessary
> >for this dicationary; string values of the tokens and the
> >corresponding integer token type.
> No, there isn't :)
> If you have a token called BEGIN, the string you'll find in tokenNames is
> "BEGIN" -- which is a different string from "begin", the keyword in the
> input language that you actually want to match. And it's different again
> from "bgn", which might be a valid abbreviation for the same keyword (and
> thus should translate to the same token type).
> The token name is purely arbitrary -- it could be called BEGIN_KEYWORD, or
> KW_BEGIN, or BLOCK_START, or even FOO. While it's usually convenient to
> name it similar to what it's going to end up matching in the input
> language, there's no requirement to do so -- and that's especially true of
> imaginary tokens, which don't actually match anything in the input
> language at all (or at least not directly).
Yes, I see your point and now some things in the example grammars make more
> There's no way this kind of information can be generated automatically --
> hence if you want to do things that way, then you have to do them yourself
> :)
> >It appears I have to duplicate some of that to make a
> dictionary,
> >which is OK, but surprising since ANTLR doc/publication stresses
> >efficiency. i.e. it seems the target could've reorg'd it in
> such
> >a way as to provide this vs. requiring manual duplication of
> it.
> >Just thinking out loud, not complaining...overall, I'm loving
> >ANTLR. :-)
> Well, this is a bit of a side path, after all. That's not how you'd
> normally define keywords. (At least, it's not how I ever do it; some
> people do prefer that sort of thing though.)
Can you tell me more about how you go about it? This is exactly what
I'm looking into, i.e. what is the best way to define my keywords.
Thanks again,
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