[antlr-interest] Antlr3 C runtime woes.
Vamsi Juvvi
juvvij at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 09:48:32 PST 2008
Hi all.
I hope this gets scanned by jim or any other C runtime expert and I get
some advice.
I had sent out an email containing a whole lot of text (in retrospect)
and probably created an overload for whoever read it. I am simplifying it
and adding some other problems I am facing.
I am trying to write a replacement for the MSIDL compiler with a custom
simplified and customized syntax for my company's needs. I am using Antlr
3.1.1 with the C runtime. The problems started when I decided to carry some
comments over from the IDL file to the generated files. Thats when I lost a
few days tracking the following issues and figuring out workarounds.
//-- Problem 1 -----------------
In a rule (import_decl say), I want to have a validating predicate to
ensure that the rule starts on a line all by itself. The antlr book gave me
the impression that it can expressed thus.
import_decl : IMPORT_DECL { $start.pos == 0 } ?
This in the C code translates to
if ( !(( ((pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN)retval).start.pos == 0 )) )
Which fails as retval is the return type of the rule itself and cannot
be cast to a token. There is a minor bug with parens here and another one
with an untranslated pos token attribute. it should have been
if ( !(( ((pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN)retval.start).charPosition == 0 )) )
if ( !((
== 0 )) )
There is a workaround though. I can hack it to use the actual members in
the C runtime. I can replace the predicate with
{ retval.start->charPosition == 0 }?
Is this what I am expected to be doing in the C runtime ? This looks more
like a bug to me (judging from the compile error) and not an unsupported
feature of antlr3 C runtime.
//-- Problem 2---------------------
Similar problems exist when I want to generate an imaginary token in my
parser initialized with a real token.
INTERFACE_BLOCK; // imaginary token.
// The book indicates that the following should work.
:^(INTERFACE_BLOCK[$interface.start] interface_decl
The C code generated however has two issues.
It has the same problem as above where it tries to cast the rule retvalue
to pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN instead of casting the retval.start item.
It uses ADAPTER->createTypeTokenText or ADAPTER->createTypeText instead
of ADAPTER->createTypeToken which is what I expect
I am doing all of this just so I can encode the start or a rule (
INTERFACE_BLOCK[$start] is expected to copy the start token's data into the
INTERFACE_BLOCK token) so I can later start searching for comments on a
hidden channel.
I worked around this by adding even more suspect C code and ended up
making the antlr grammar file lose some of it's declarative beauty. In my
parser I did this to work around.
// Save the line-num/charPos of the first token to match in this
// rule to the members of our imaginary token.
pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN pTok = retval.tree->getToken(retval.tree);
if(pTok != 0)
pTok->line = retval.start->line;
pTok->charPosition = retval.start->charPosition;
: interface_decl
-> ^(INTERFACE_BLOCK interface_decl interface_body_line*)
Is this related to the unsupported tokenReWrite feature documented in the
C runtime or a bug ?
This makes me feel vaguely dirty. I will have an interresting time
explaining why these workarounds are neccesary. I have hyped antlr to the
point where any mention of bugs will make my boss cringe. I will just gloss
over all the C code telling him that its just the way it has to be done.
//-- Problem 3 -----
Finally armed with these workaround, I expected searching the token stream
for comments before/after would be straighforward. Frustration strikes
again. After several days of pulling my hair out, I realize that there is
yet another bug (which was reported on the antlr mailing lists last year)
which needs to be fixed for it to work.
First thing I did was allow hidden channel tokens to be retained. I wasn't
aware that this needed to be done till I started tracing through the run
time (Extra documentation maybe)
pTokenStream = antlr3CommonTokenStreamSourceNew(ANTLR3_SIZE_HINT,
pTokenStream->discardOffChannel = ANTLR3_FALSE;
After this was done, there seems to be a very subtle bug with cache
coherency (occacional issue when using caching for performance) which was
reported on the mainling list. This was causing a token that was supposed to
be hidden to be sent to parser failing the parse. The first token in my file
was a hidden token and luckily exposed the problem right away. The fix (as
reported by the original reporter of the problem) was to make sure that in
the last few lines of the *fillBuffer* methods in antlr3tokenstream.c.
/* Set the consume pointer to the first token that is on our channel */
tokenStream->p = 0;
tokenStream->p = skipOffTokenChannels(tokenStream, tokenStream->p);
/* Cache the size so we don't keep doing indirect method calls*/
tokenStream->tstream->istream->cachedSize = tokenStream->tokens->count;
/* Cache the size so we don't keep doing indirect method calls
* Relocated to above the following two lines following bug report
* at
tokenStream->tstream->istream->cachedSize = tokenStream->tokens->count;
/* Set the consume pointer to the first token that is on our channel
tokenStream->p = 0;
tokenStream->p = skipOffTokenChannels(tokenStream, tokenStream->p);
These are minor problems on the whole, but made the experience of
developing non trivial Antlr3 stuff surprinsgly tricky and not nearly as
much fun as it was with Antlr2. I understand the fact that this is a
volunteer effort and that much like in a commercial setting, bugs can slip
through in a volunteer driven runtime and it is amazing that there are so
few bugs.
I can volunteer to start adding test cases if someone can point me to the
resources to do so. If there is an effort to start with a CPP runtime, I
will be more than glad to assist in whatever way is needed as reading the
current C code makes me want to cry! I feel more manly just for digging
through it and getting it to work for me :-).
I hope someone can tell me where I am doing idiotic things or put these
bugs in for eventual fixes. I can help with this but I will probably have to
learn stringtemplate stuff and get an overview document or some such. I am
willing however.
thanks much,
PS: Somehow this mail also got long. Hope it doesn't get dismissed as too
much stuff.
Between impulse and reaction lies man's greatest strength: The freedom to
create a choice, to create his universe, to choose - Victor Frankl (adapted)
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