[antlr-interest] fragment and option greedy=false

Ranco Marcus ranco.marcus at epirion.nl
Tue Nov 11 09:46:55 PST 2008

Hello all,

I would like to know if there are any limitations on the use of
fragments in non-greedy sub rules. In the example below, I would like to
create a lexer rule that matches with a comment (i.e. starts with /*,
has zero or more characters from the given fragment and ends with */). 

grammar MulticharComment;

	: COMMENT '.'

//	: '/*'  ( options {greedy=false;} : VALID_CHARS )* '*/'
// option 1
	: '/*'  ( options {greedy=false;} : ('a'..'z' | '*' | '/') )*
'*/'       // option 2

	: 'a'..'z' | '*' | '/'

If I use the line with the fragment (option 1), I get the following
error (in ANTLRWorks 1.2.1, ANTLR v3.1.1) which I didn't expect. 

Input: /*abba*/.
Error: problem matching token at 1:9 NoViableAltException('.'@[()*
loopback of 8:10: ( options {greedy=false; } : VALID_CHARS )*])

Where does '.'@[()* come from and what is meant by 'the loopback'?

In this particular example, I could use the pattern itself (option 2)
and accept a little redundancy. However, if the pattern is more complex
(i.e. consists of Unicode character ranges, escapes, multiple subrules
etc.), this doesn't feel right. 

It would be great if any of you could clarify on this matter. Thanks in

Kind regards, Ranco Marcus

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