[antlr-interest] Problem generating the Java parser for Oracle PL/SQL grammar
Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo
zirrus at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 04:23:33 PST 2008
Hello Andrew.
I am working with the grammar. I will notice you about any problem that appears.
Now I am facing with the need of distinguishing between function call
and variable usage.
2008/11/12 Andrew Haritonkin <thikone at gmail.com>:
> Hi, Javier Luis Cánovas!
> You are welcome!
> Yep, I also use ANTLRNoCaseFileStream for case insensitivity, and all
> my keywords therefore are upper case. Beyond that I did small
> improvement in select statement regarding join clause - see attached
> file.
> I would also appreciate any comments/suggestions from your side.
> Especially it would be helpful to know if valid pl/sql cannot be
> parsed by this grammar, since I'm very interested in this grammar
> improvement...
> From what I already know is that XML SQL functions are not supported,
> and that the following statement fails (it seems multiple level of '(
> )' caused the trouble):
> select * from
> (((( a inner join b on a.x = b.x )
> left outer join c on a.x = c.x )
> left outer join d on a.x = d.x )
> left outer join e on a.x = e.x );
> Also there is a problem with some not reserved keywords. Well, most of
> them are ID tokens with the gate predicate to check the text of token,
> like this:
> keyWHILE : {PLSQL3jParser.this.input.LT(1).getText().toUpperCase().equals("WHILE")}?
> ID;
> but this particular keyword and some others I had to replace with
> literal token instead:
> keyWHILE : 'WHILE';
> Because otherwise parser is not able to make the right decision in
> some cases... Therefore, they cannot be used as identifiers, while in
> fact, they can:
> CREATE TABLE test (while NUMBER);
> UPDATE test SET while = while + 1;
> END;
> /
> Will be accepted by Oracle.
> Recently I saw an article in wiki which might help me to solve this
> and also improve the speed (I think I already know what to do):
> http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/How+to+remove+global+backtracking+from+your+grammar
> Andrew
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo
> <zirrus at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Andrew!
>> Thanks for the advices. They have been useful for improving my grammar
>> definition.
>> I had to modify the antlr ant task to execute the antlr parser tool
>> (memory aspects) and some elements in the grammar definition (as you
>> told in your mail): options section, members section, and some grammar
>> rules. The only thing I have done different is the definition of rules
>> for keyword. I use the ANTLRNoCaseFileStream Java class defined in
>> http://www.antlr.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1782. This way,
>> all keywords can be specified in uppercase, lowercase or both, they
>> will be recognized in uppercase in the lexer so these rules only work
>> with uppercase words.
>> Regards!
>> 2008/11/10 Andrew Haritonkin <thikone at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo!
>>> You don't need so much memory for my grammar, really :) 256Mb is
>>> enough for ANTLR v3.1.1. Well I use 512Mb actually...
>>> You need to change one rule though, to make it compatible with ANTLR 3.1.x:
>>> column_spec
>>> : sql_identifier ( DOT sql_identifier )*;
>>> For some reason, ANTLR 3.1.x cannot compile it, raising a error:
>>> error(206): PLSQL3.g:791:4: Alternative 2: after matching input such
>>> as ID DOT ID DOT ID DOT ID DOT decision cannot predict what comes next
>>> due to recursion overflow to expr_add from sql_expression and to
>>> expr_mul from expr_add
>>> While with ANTLR 3.0.1 it was compiling just fine... Anyway, replace
>>> it with this:
>>> column_spec
>>> : sql_identifier ( DOT sql_identifier ( DOT sql_identifier )? )?;
>>> And regarding Java target - there is not much you need to change, only
>>> members declaration and some gate predicates:
>>> options {
>>> language=Java;
>>> k=*;
>>> backtrack=true;
>>> memoize=true;
>>> output=AST;
>>> }
>>> @members {
>>> private boolean is_sql = false;
>>> }
>>> and all parser rules for keywords should like like this:
>>> keyA : {PLSQL3Parser.this.input.LT(1).getText().toUpperCase().equals("A")}? ID;
>>> Here I have to reference parser class, because this predicate can be
>>> also embedded in DFA, but there only token type stream is available,
>>> LT(1) returns token ID, integer... not very convenient. Gonna write
>>> separate topic for this, eventually.
>>> I also use Java target, mainly to debug the grammar in ANTLRWorks -
>>> works perfectly.
>>> Andrew
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>> --
>> Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo
>> http://zirrus.es
>> zirrus at gmail.com
Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo
zirrus at gmail.com
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