[antlr-interest] how can i get a return string from the parser
Hendrik Maryns
qwizv9b02 at sneakemail.com
Mon Nov 24 05:34:03 PST 2008
Su Zhang schreef:
> Hi all,
> My program needs a string from Parser, but there is not any function
> provided in the public class parser, how can I get the string outside? I
> mean I want to get the string generated from the rules of
> antlr(functions in parser), and I have written "returns[String s]" to
> indicate that I need the value, but how can i get the String? does
> anybody familiar with this kind of problem?
Use the specific parser that ANTLR generated from your grammar instead
of the generic Parser class. It will have a public method for each rule
with the return type you specified or with some internally specified one
if you didn’t give one.
E.g. this is how I use my parser:
// Use ANTLR to parse the query string
final CharStream antlrInput = new ANTLRStringStream(queryString);
final Lexer lexer = new fsqLexer(antlrInput);
final CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
final fsqParser parser = new fsqParser(tokens);
final Formula queryFormula = parser.formula();
Hendrik Maryns
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