[antlr-interest] why it fails without predicates - Lexer issue

Manikandan Subramanian vsmani.chrome at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 10:21:06 PDT 2008


I got to identify integer, decimal and EOD tokens (End of Description, like
we have in Copybook)

the following is the grammar


grammar* TestDecimal;


options* {

language = Java;




*private* boolean isNotEOD()


*return* (((*char*)input.LA(2)!= *'\f'*) && ((*char*)input.LA(2)!= *'\t'*)
&&((*char*)input.LA(2)!= *'\r'*) && ((*char*)input.LA(2)!= *'\n'*) &&((*char
*)input.LA(2)!= *' '*) && (input.LA(2)!= -1));





*public* static void main(*String* args[]) *throws* *Exception* {

ANTLRStringStream input = *new* ANTLRStringStream(args[0]);

Lexer lexer = *null*;

lexer = *new* TestDecimalLexer(input);

CommonTokenStream tokens = *null*;

tokens = *new* CommonTokenStream(lexer);

*for*(Object obj: tokens.getTokens())


TestDecimalParser parser = *new* TestDecimalParser (tokens);




document : *INT* *WS*? *INT* *WS*? *EOD*;


INT* : *DIGIT*+ ;


Decimal_* : *INT* *DOT* *INT;*


EOD* : '.' (*SS*+ | *EOF*);


fragment* *DOT* : {isNotEOD()}? => '.';


fragment* *DIGIT* : ('0'..'9');


fragment* *SS* : (' ' | '\t' | '\f' | '\r' | '\n');


WS* : *SS*+;

I got the input "01 00. " and got following error:

line 1:5 rule DOT failed predicate: {isNotEOD()}?


[@1,2:2=' ',<5>,1:2]

[@2,5:6='. ',<6>,1:5]

line 1:5 missing INT at '. '
If I replace the Decimal_  token definition with syntatic predicates like
below, it works fine.
*Decimal_* : (*INT*) => *INT* {_type=INT;}| (*INT* *DOT*) => *INT* *DOT* *

why it is not able to identify the input correctly with out syntatic

Why it fails to identify "00. " as INT EOD.

Is there any way to resolve this without syntatic/sematic predicates. I
would like to resolve this issue with just production rules.

Thanks in advance.

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