[antlr-interest] How do I generate an AST node with a given text?

Jan van Mansum janvanmansum at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 08:05:56 PDT 2008

Fixed the problem with

	:	value_expression
		-> ^({new CommonToken(COLNAME

                          }  value_expression)

Also, I had put CommonTree objects in columnNames by mistake. I have
now made sure that columnNames
contains Strings. This works, only ANTLRWorks doesn't show the token
labels in its diagram. However, if I print
the result with Tree.toStringTree() they do show up.

2008/9/1 Jan van Mansum <janvanmansum at gmail.com>
> Hello group:
> I am writing an SQL parser and I am trying to get an AST like the
> example below
> SQL:
> CREATE TABLE myTable (col01 VARCHAR(10), col02 INT);
> INSERT INTO myTable (col01, col02)
> VALUES ("Some string", 12)
>       ("Some other string", 13);
> Expected AST:
> (TABLEDEF myTable
>  (COLUMN col01
>     (TYPE varchar 10))
>  (COLUMN col02
>     (TYPE int)))
> (TABLEDATA myTable
>  (ROW (col01 "Some string")
>       (col02 12))
>  (ROW (col01 "Some other string")
>       (col02 13)))
> Actual AST:
> (TABLEDEF myTable
>  (COLUMN col01
>     (TYPE varchar 10))
>  (COLUMN col02
>     (TYPE int)))
> (TABLEDATA myTable
>  (ROW)
>  (ROW (col01 ("Some string" "Some other string"))
>       (col02 (12 13)))
> I collect the column names in a scoped ArrayList<String> when parsing
> the first line of the INSERT statement. When I get to the rule that
> generates the column values I want to generate a node that contains the
> column name and attach the value under it. Like this:
> row_value_constructor_element
>        :       value_expression
> -> ^({$row_value_constructor::columnNames.get($row_value_constructor_list::i++)}
> value_expression)
>        ;
> The problem seems to be that the nodes col01 and col02 are constructed only
> once and that each time the parser gets to above line it attaches the new
> value under the existing node.
> How can I make sure that a new node is inserted?
> Thanks for any help,
> regards,
> --
> Jan van Mansum

Jan van Mansum

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