[antlr-interest] Unparseable?

titech at metaorb.com titech at metaorb.com
Tue Sep 9 14:37:27 PDT 2008

Is this just unparseable?  It is a piece of a DSN file output from Eagle PCB.
The string_quote piece and the single-quoted string seem to be deal-breakers.
I'm not currently attempting to incorporate the character passed in the string_quote
into the parser.  Even when it parses successfully, it seems to be
breaking the strings up into numerous tokens instead of one token per string.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



(PCB "C:/Archive/Development/EagleProjects/NewUSBToaster/NewUSBToaster_3.brd"
    (string_quote ")
    (space_in_quoted_tokens on)
    (host_cad CadSoft)
    (host_version 'EAGLE Version 4.16r2 Copyright (c) 1988-2006 CadSoft')
    (layer "1#Top"  (type signal))
    (layer "16#Bottom"  (type signal))


grammar SQTest_11;


header    : OPN!   'PCB'^ string_t dsnparser structure CPN!;

dsnparser : OPN! 'parser'^  string_quote
                host_version CPN!; 

string_quote :   OPN  'string_quote'        '"'          CPN           -> ^('string_quote' '"')
               | OPN  'string_quote'        '\''         CPN           -> ^('string_quote' '\'')
               | OPN  'string_quote'        OTHER          CPN           -> ^('string_quote' OTHER);

space_in_quoted_tokens : OPN! 'space_in_quoted_tokens'^ bool_t CPN!;

host_cad : OPN! 'host_cad'^ id_t CPN!;
host_version : OPN! 'host_version'^ string_t? CPN!;

structure : OPN! 'structure'^ 

layer           :  OPN! 'layer'^ string_t type CPN!;

type            :  OPN! 'type'^ id_t CPN!;
string_t        :  sq_or_dq_string;

id_t            :  ID;

bool_t          :  true_or_false;

//Composite types
true_or_false           :         TRUE | FALSE;

sq_or_dq_string            :         single_quoted_string | double_quoted_string;

//Basic types
single_quoted_string    :         '\'' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '\'';

double_quoted_string    :         '"' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '"';

FLOAT    :       SIGN? ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')+;

INT    :       SIGN? ('0'..'9')+;

TRUE    :     'on' | 'true' | 'yes' | '1';

FALSE    :    'off' | 'false' | 'no' | '0';

ID    : (LETTER|'_')(LETTER|'_'|DIGIT)*;

fragment LETTER : LOWER | UPPER;
fragment LOWER  : 'a'..'z';
fragment UPPER  : 'A'..'Z';
fragment DIGIT  : '0'..'9';
fragment SPACE  : ' ' | '\t';
fragment SIGN   : '+' | '-';
NEWLINE            : ('\r'? '\n')+ { $channel = HIDDEN; };
WHITESPACE      : SPACE+ { $channel = HIDDEN; };

OPN       : '(';
CPN       : ')';
OTHER    : .;

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