[antlr-interest] No default AST construction for a list of single-nonterminal alternatives with local option bactrack turned on (+)

Дмитрий Волосных dmitry.volosnykh at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 14:51:12 PST 2009

Having the rule specified below, there's no AST-rewrite code generated for
sub-alternatives for the third alternative ( preceeded by IsObject semantic
predicate ). Was that an intent? Or I am just missing something?

        { IsFunction( input.LT( 1 ).Text ) }?=>    function_call |
        { IsType( input.LT( 1 ).Text ) }?=>        type_conversion |
        { IsObject( input.LT( 1 ).Text ) }?=>    ( options{ backtrack =
true; } :
                                                    slice |
                                                    indexed_component ->
indexed_component |
                                                    explicit_dereference |
                                                    selected_component |
                                                    direct_name -> ^( OBJECT
direct_name )
                                                ) |
                                                attribute_reference |
                                                CHARACTER_LITERAL |
        // erroneous alternatives
        ( options{ backtrack = true; } :
            type_conversion |         // conversion to an unknown type or
calling unknown function or indexing unknown object.
            indexed_component |        // indexing unknown object or calling
unknown function.
            slice |                    // slicing unknown object.
            explicit_dereference |    // explicitly referencing unknown
            selected_component |    // selecting component of an unknown
            function_call            // calling unknown function or using
unknown object

Thanks in advance.
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