[antlr-interest] ANTLR 3.1.2 bug in tree grammars? - RewriteEmptyStreamException
"Paul Bouché (NSN)"
paul.bouche at nsn.com
Tue Feb 24 02:57:55 PST 2009
I just upgraded to ANTLR v3.1.2 from 3.0. What worked before does not
work anymore.... :-( I looked through the changes list, but could not
find anything related.
We first create an AST and then parse it with a tree grammar. The syntax
is a list key = value pairs, where a structure can be built using curly
brackets. A structure is again a list of key-value pairs, i.e.
struct = { a = 3, b = 4 }
struct = { }
was allowed which created an empty sub structure.
This is broken now. I get the exception:
Exception in thread "main"
org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteEmptyStreamException: rule properties
I have no clue whatsoever what this means. Well obviously somehow the
parser tries to rewrite an empty stream. Well before 3.1.2, in 3.0 this
worked fine without errors. Now it does not work. Something must have
changed or is it a bug?
The grammar for parsing the above syntax is basically as follows:
propertynode EOF
properties -> ^( TYPE PROPERTYNODE ) properties
( property ( ',' property )* )? ','? -> property*
name '=' value -> ^( PROPERTY name cast?
attributes? value )
( plain | '{' propertynode '}' ) -> plain?
list? propertynode?
As you can see rule value calls propertynode which allows substructures.
If the rule properties does match an empty obviously a stream is not
instanciated as it was before in 3.0 hence the exception. Can you tell
me how I need to modify the grammar to make it work in 3.1.2?
Thanks a bunch!
Paul Bouché
Voice: +49 30 590080-1284
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