[antlr-interest] Inserting a token in the input stream
Filipe David Manana
fdmanana at ieee.org
Sat Feb 28 03:59:26 PST 2009
Is it possible to do something in a rule's action that either makes the
parser finish (with success status) or insert a token in the input stream?
I need something like that for a JavaScript grammar. Considering the
following rules:
: sourceElements EOF
: LT* ( sourceElement LT* )*
: functionDeclaration
| statement
: emptyStatement
| variableStatement
| blockStatement
: 'var' LT* variableDeclarationList ( LT | ';' )
If the input stream is for e.g. "var test" (no newline or semi-colon before
the EOF), my parser fails. ANTLRWorks debuggers shows "NoViableAltException"
nodes coming from the "variableDeclarationList" rule.
If I change my rules to:
: sourceElements
/* rules in between remain unchanged */
: 'var' LT* variableDeclarationList ( LT | ';' | EOF )
The same thing happens.
So my initial thought is to add a ';' for e.g. into the input stream if an
EOF is following the "variableDeclarationList" ub tge "variableStatement"
As a complete beginner to ANTLR, any suggestions are very welcome.
Filipe David Manana,
fdmanana at ieee.org
PGP key - http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC569452B
"Reasonable men adapt themselves to the world.
Unreasonable men adapt the world to themselves.
That's why all progress depends on unreasonable men."
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