[antlr-interest] White spaces not allowed

Dominic Tardif Dominic.Tardif at USherbrooke.ca
Mon Jan 12 12:59:12 PST 2009

Quoting Gavin Lambert <antlr at mirality.co.nz>:

> At 08:53 13/01/2009, Dominic Tardif wrote:
>  >Hello everyone!  I've been working on this grammar for quite
> some
>  >time now, and it works quite well except for one little detail:
>  >white spaces are not allowed.
> [...]
>  >stmt:  ID ' ' function_id STMT_END      -> ^(STMT ID
> function_id)
>  >      |  ID '=' expr STMT_END           -> ^('=' ID expr)
>  >      |  NEWLINE                        ->
>  >      ;
> Your grammar is expecting to see NEWLINE tokens...
> [...]
>  >NEWLINE:  ('\r'? '\n')+;
>  >WS:       (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ {skip();};
> ... but your NEWLINE and WS tokens overlap, such that if there is
> any WS before (or possibly even after) a newline then the newline
> will be consumed and skipped without generating a NEWLINE token.
> Having said that, I'm not entirely sure why you are using NEWLINE
> tokens in your parser; in most cases it looks like it's optional
> anyway, so it seems like it could just be removed (though you
> might need to change some 'stmt+'s to 'stmt*'s as well).
> That's not the real problem, though.  The real problem is that
> quoted space you have in the stmt rule above.  Whenever you use a
> quoted literal in a parser rule, it effectively creates a new
> lexer rule -- so you then have two lexer rules representing
> spaces; one that represents exactly one space and one that
> represents multiple spaces, tabs, and newlines.  The two are going
> to fight.  Just remove this space (it shouldn't be necessary
> anyway) and it should behave.

OK, I've removed the NEWLINE token and changed stmt+ by stmt* and it works just
fine, except that I want to be able to support the ' ' operator, which acts
like a '*'.  If I didn't support it, I don't think I would have had any
problems. Is there a way to have a white space act as an operator as well? If
not, I'll just have to remove it. Thanks again for all your help! ^_^

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