[antlr-interest] C target, C grammar + AST = missing *_SymbolsPop()

Gary R. Van Sickle g.r.vansickle at att.net
Wed Jan 21 19:38:20 PST 2009

> From: Jim Idle

> 	Is there something else I can do to try help debugging this?
> No - so long as I can reproduce it then it is fine.

So are you saying you are able to reproduce this?

> However, 
> you might tell me if the same code generation error happens 
> if you remove language=C. That will save me a little time at least :-)

FWICT the same problem doesn't show up in the Java target:

    // $ANTLR start "translation_unit"
    // C.g:203:1: translation_unit : ( external_declaration )+ ;
    public final CParser.translation_unit_return translation_unit() throws
RecognitionException {
        Symbols_stack.push(new Symbols_scope());


        finally {

        return retval;
    // $ANTLR end "translation_unit"

Gary R. Van Sickle

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