[antlr-interest] Bug report: Unexplainable "no viable alternative"

Jim Idle jimi at temporal-wave.com
Tue Nov 3 12:26:12 PST 2009

It isn’t a bug; this happens because your grammar is ambiguous without all those myriad syntactic predicates. Take those all out and left factor your rules so that there are no ambiguities. Also, remove that k=1 option and let ANTLR work it out, then use ANTLRWorks syntax diagrams to work out why your grammar is ambiguous.

Left factor the rules so that everything that starts with a '[' starts in the same rule, then branches at places (such as '*') where you want to distinguish. Then build the appropriate AST.

I think perhaps this is lack of experience on your part so until you have a better idea of what is going on I also recommend that you do the following:

1) Take all the 'xxxxx' out of your parser rules and create clear LEXER rules for them;
2) Then check your lexer rules for overlaps in their specification;

As well as taking out those predicates and fixing the rules properly of course.

Finally, eliminate just generation ordering errors by cleaning out the generated .java and .tokens classes and completely regenerating everything to make sure that the parser's idea of what tokens numbers go with what is the same as the lexer's thoughts on the matter.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: antlr-interest-bounces at antlr.org [mailto:antlr-interest-
> bounces at antlr.org] On Behalf Of alex.marin at amiq.ro
> Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 10:22 AM
> To: Antlr interest
> Cc: Etools; Adrian Simionescu; parrt at cs.usfca.edu
> Subject: [antlr-interest] Bug report: Unexplainable "no viable
> alternative"
> Hello,
> We have trouble understanding why we get a "no viable alternative" when
> running the attached parser grammar on the following input:
> bit bitstream [];
> The output is:
> line 1:15 no viable alternative at input ']'
> However, we have found two (very strange) workarounds for the issue:
> 1. Commenting out the 'real' option in the data_type rule 2. Using
> associative_dimension_2 rule instead of associative_dimension_1
> (although the two are equivalent)
> What is the explanation for this behavior?
> Is there a rigurous solution to avoid such behavior?
> Thanks,
> Alex Marin
> Notes:
> - the example is not intended to be useful by itself (it is an excerpt
> from a much larger grammar)
> - the latest antlr version has been used for code generation
> (antlr-3.2.jar)
> - you can find the referred grammar inline at the end of this e-mail
> and also in the attached file
> - by comparing the generated parsers, we noticed that the workarounds
> cause the prediction to be done by some complicated if-conditions
> rather than the dfa which throws the NoViableAlt
> ////////////////// Example.g ////////////////////////
> grammar Example;
> options {
> 	k=1;
> 	output=AST;
> 	}
> entry
> :
> (my_rule)+
> ;
> my_rule
> 	:
> 	  tf_port_item SEMI
> 	;
> tf_port_item
> :
> data_type ID variable_dimension
> ;
> data_type
> :
> 'bit'
> | 'byte'
> | 'real' // Comment this to suppress NoViableAlt 'struct'
> | 'union' ( 'tagged' )?
> | 'enum'
> | 'virtual'
> | ps_identifier
> ;
> ps_identifier
> :
> | ID
> ;
> variable_dimension
> :
> ( associative_dimension_1 ) => associative_dimension_1
> variable_dimension // comment this line
> //        ( associative_dimension_2 ) => associative_dimension_2
> variable_dimension  // and uncomment this one to suppress NoViableAlt (
> with 'real' alt in data_type)
> | ( sized_or_unsized_dimension )*
> ;
> associative_dimension_1
> :
> LBRACK ( STAR | data_type ) RBRACK
> ;
> associative_dimension_2
> 	    :
> | LBRACK data_type RBRACK
> 	    ;
> sized_or_unsized_dimension
> :
> ;
> /********** Lexer *************/
> SEMI: ';';
> STAR: '*';
> LBRACK: '[';
> RBRACK: ']';
> COLON_COLON: '::';
> WS
> :
> (' '|'\r'|'\t'|'\u000C'|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;}
> ;
> ID
> :
> ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')*
> ;
> :
> ('0'..'9')+
> ;

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